- The ontological transformation of philosophical hermeneutics, aiming to get out of the plight of modernity, was not successful and foreshadowed the emergence of postmodern hermeneutics. 哲学解释学的本体论转向旨在走出现代性困境。客观地说,这一突围并不成功,相反,它还为后现代主义解释学的兴起埋下了伏笔。
- postmodern hermeneutics 后现代解释学
- Therefore, Hirsch's hermeneutics has a modern form. 所以,赫施的传统阐释学观点又是现代形式的。
- We call our music 'postmodern' for the want of a better word. 由于没有更合适的词来表达,我们把我们的音乐称作“后现代风格”。
- Doll puts forward 4R in his postmodern perspective on curriculum. 多尔在其后现代课程观中提出4R的后现代课程模式。
- There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77k Mencius. 《孟子》一书中蕴含着丰富的诠释学思想。
- Hermeneutics and hermeneutics today. Unity of revelation. 释经学原则:启示的统一性。
- EFLAND,Postmodern Art Education, America: NAEA,1996. 黄壬来编,艺术与人文,台北:桂冠出版社,2002。
- Pre-modern plus postmodern equals riots in Afghanistan. 前现代和后现代混合起来就造成了阿富汗的骚乱。
- Is Translation of Poetry Merely the Hermeneutics and Reconstruction of Meaning? 诗歌的翻译就是意义的阐释和重建吗?
- Donald Barthelme is one of the most famous American postmodern writers. 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆是美国最著名的后现代主义作家之一。
- Why did the thought of postmodern management spring up in USA in the1980 s? 兰
- As a critical discourse, hermeneutics has involved a linguistic paradigm. 解释学作为一种批评话语一直强调其语言学范式。
- Thereinto, cyberpunk possesses the strongest postmodern characteristic. 其中 ,又以塞博朋客最具后现代特征
- Therefore it has the academic value to clarify Jameson's postmodern theory. 廓清詹明信的后现代理论的旨趣,具有重要的学术意义。
- In postmodern context,costume code is a kind of game of signifier in nature. 在后现代语境中,服饰符码在本性上是一种能指的游戏。
- Postmodern humans swim in a third transparent medium now materializing. 至于人类,后现代的人类,则正畅游于第三种正在形成的透明介质之中。
- Gadow, S (2002). Relational Narrative: The Postmodern Turn in Nursing Ethics. 萧宏恩(1999.;护理伦理新论;台北:五南图书。
- His belongings are clearly in a row - a workout room, postmodern furniture, pets and gourmet. 他的所有的东西一览无余----一间工作室、超前的家具、宠物和美食。
- Emphasized that hermeneutics was not simply a comprehending all of human expression. He. 他强调诠释学不仅仅是一种理解人类的全部表达方式的科学。