- Idiopathic postprandial hypoglycemia 特发性餐后低血糖
- delayed postprandial hypoglycemia 餐后血糖过低症
- symptomatic postprandial hypoglycemia 症状性食后低血糖
- postprandial hypoglycemia 餐后低血糖
- It is accompanied by hypoglycemia. 伴有血糖过低。
- Are anaemia and hypoglycemia same? 贫血和低血糖是一样的吗?
- What method can treat hypoglycemia? 有什么方法能治疗低血糖?
- Is hypoglycemia very easy dizziness? 低血糖是不是很容易头晕?
- He complained almost ceaselessly of postprandial nausea. 他差不多不断地诉说饭后呕吐。
- His postprandial nap was disturbed by the arrival of the boss. 老板一到;惊扰了他餐后假寐.
- Results The fasting and postprandial blood glucose level, wei... 结论该饮食处方对妊娠期糖尿病患者,有效实用。
- Is Postprandial Hyperglycemia a Risk Factor for Stroke? 餐后高血糖是卒中的危险因素吗?
- Hypoglycemia is sometimes a prominent clinical manifestation. 低血糖症有时是显著的临床表现。
- A 2-hour postprandial blood glucose level was 200 mg per dl.Mrs. 2小时餐后血糖水平是200毫克每分升。
- There are two causes which induce glucose fluctuation in clinical:one is postprandial hyperglyceamia with not well controlled,the other is hypoglycemia causes by unsuitable therapy. 临床造成糖尿病患者血糖波动过大的主要原因有两个:未经合理控制的餐后高血糖和治疗不当导致的低血糖。
- Objective: Tosummarizeand analyse the etiology of hypoglycemia. 目的总结分析低血糖症的病因。
- Is hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) more dangerous in seniors? 问:对年长的糖尿病患者是不是低血糖更加危险?
- What should the food of hypoglycemia patient notice? 低血糖患者的饮食应注意什么?
- Insulin hyperfunction. Cause hypoglycemia, how to treat? 胰岛素亢进.;造成低血糖;怎么治疗?
- What good method can alleviate hypoglycemia low blood pressure? 有什么好方法能缓解低血糖低血压?