- potage Nicclini 尼固利浓汤
- Un potage et deux plats de legume. 一份汤,两个素菜。
- J'aimerais un potage de legumes pour commencer. 我想先要一份蔬菜汤。
- Un potage et deux plats de l gume. 一份汤,两个素菜。
- I ordered consomme,not potage for the soup. 我点是清汤,而不是法国浓汤。
- What kind of potage do you serve? 你们有什么种类的浓汤呢?
- The more cooks the worse potage. 厨子越多,荡越难喝。
- C:What kind of potage do you serve? 你们有什么种类的浓汤呢?
- Ca:Potage,crabmeat croquette and rolls.Would you take coffee or tea? 汤,炸蟹肉丸和小面包,你要喝咖啡还是茶呢?
- Cuttlefish is another great element in making potage, which is also popular. 花枝也是另一项与羹汤十分速配海鲜材料,花枝羹也受到广泛的欢迎。
- You also eat it with oyster, squid, and shrimp potage, which are not so common in somewhere else. 豆签羹还配有蚵仔、花枝和虾仁羹三种配料,这平常就比较不容易吃到了。
- Add the sailfish in the thin noodles potage will make big difference and variety. You can also see glutinous oil rice here, which makes part of a mountain chain. 旗鱼加在面线羹里,这又是另一种口味,用来增加面线的多样性,这摊也有油饭供应,与隔壁两摊的两座山相互辉映连成一体。
- Qu’est-ce qu’il y a aujourd’hui? J’aimerais un potage de legumes pour commencer. 今天有什么好吃的?我想先要一份蔬菜汤。
- It will be tasty and refreshing while eating with black-cherry,fancy red wine,potage,onion and vegetable catsup. 充分体现了法国美食多汁味浓的特色。
- Cuttlefish is another great element in making potage, which is also popular.Fried thick noodles use thicker noodles. 花枝也是另一项与羹汤十分速配海鲜材料,花枝羹也受到广泛的欢迎。
- This form will be sent via a register mail if applied. (please self enclose a stamped addressed envelope with sufficient potage). 通讯申请请以挂号来函,附挂号回邮信封及工本费(以等值邮票代替)。
- The squid in their soup is boiled in freshwater.It tastes tasty and brittle.Along with the thick potage, they make another amazing couple! 这家的鱿鱼羹,鱿鱼是清烫的,嚼起来又香又脆的,搭配羹汤浓稠的口感,真是不赖说!
- This is a taditional french cate.It will be tasty and refreshing while eating with black-cherry,fancy red wine,potage,onion and vegetable catsup. 这是一道传统的法国美食,食用时搭配黑樱桃、高级红酒、肉汁、洋葱及蔬菜酱汁,味道爽口无比。
- With fresh pork (lean meat) cooked with 14 ingredients, flatfish soup base stewed on slow fire and top black vinegar, our pork potage tastes gentle, tender, fresh and smooth. 以香菇肉羹和割包闻名,肉羹食材新鲜,以瘦肉佐以14种配方调和烹煮,口感软嫩鲜滑,汤底以扁鱼慢火熬煮,加上顶级乌醋,吃起来更加有味;
- Squid potage noodle;rice noodle ; rice 鱿鱼羹面;米粉;饭