- Electrons from the metal will have to surmount the potential barrier to enter the semiconductor. 金属中的电子必须克服这个势垒层才能进入半导体。
- When the energy accumulation surpasses the potential barrier and reaches the expected difficulty, thus completing the process of thinking creativity. 通过超过势垒能量的蓄积,达到预定成果的难度水平,即可以完成思维创新过程。
- Key words: minimum size, Potential barrier, tunneling, Integrate Circuit, IC, MOS, size limit, manufacture technique. 关键词:最小尺寸,势垒,隧穿效应,集成电路,IC,MOS,尺寸限制,工艺技术
- It is found out whether a formula for scattering from a potential barrier slowly changing with position is obtained by neglecting reflections. 弄清随坐标缓变势垒对自由粒子散射的透射率的近似公式是否是在略去反射条件下得到的。
- Because the local potential barrier distribution image can distinguish different atoms,so it provides a method to interpret STM image. 另外,根据局域势垒分布还可区分不同的原子,给解释STM原子图像提供了一种手段。
- This article analyzes thermodynamically the potential barrier and the factors affecting it in the process of phase separation. 从热力学角度分析了分相过程中存在的势垒及其影响因素。
- The potential barrier of the rate controlling step is 83.42 kJ/mol, which is higher than the potential barrier of channel A (20.80 kJ/mol). 通道B是新发现的反应通道,其速控步骤的位垒83.;42 kJ/mol,位垒高于通道A(20
- When positrons are absent from the nested trap, no antiprotons are detected, proving that lone antiprotons cannot surmount the potential barrier to get into the far trap. 当这样的双重阱里没有正子,就侦测不到反质子,这证明了,单一反质子没办法克服位能障碍而飞到远处另一个阱里。
- The results show that PHAP can act as the crystal nucleus, decrease the potential barrier of nucleation and then accelerate the hydration reaction process, shorten... 高结晶度的HAP会使水化反应速度减慢,凝固时间延长,相当于“骨料”存在于水泥基体中而使抗压强度有所提高。
- All the F-N curves are straight line that shows electrons are emined from BN to vacuum tunneling through the potential barrier at the surface of the BN films. 不同样品的Fowler-Nordheim(F-N)曲线均为直线;表明电子发射是通过隧穿BN表面势垒发射到真空.
- The invasion of foreign capitalism and domestic feudalism and corrupt rule, the Chinese poor and weak, and serious calamities, the country risk, such as potential barrier eggs. 外国资本主义的侵略和本国封建主义的腐朽统治,使中国积贫积弱,灾难深重,国势危如垒卵。
- As potential customers are aware of the possibility for market abuse, this is a potential barrier to implementation. Possible options to overcome this are given later. 基于潜在客户担心巿场力量有可能被滥用,实施上便潜在一定障碍。克服这些障碍的可选择方案将在后文中提出。
- What are potential barriers to growth? How will these barriers affect the program model or the speed at which we grow? 什么是成长潜在的障碍?这些障碍怎么影响项目的运营模式或者增长的速度?
- What potential barriers are we likely to encounter in planning to meet the projected needs? 我们在设计规划满足未来的需求方面可能遇到哪些潜在障碍?
- The board was essential in helping identify and resole potential barriers to program implementation. 为了这个程序的完成,这个委员会帮助鉴别和解决戒烟者潜在的障碍是必要的。
- Poor health may be a barrier to success. 健康欠佳可能成为取得成功的障碍。
- The horse took the barrier easily. 那匹马轻松地越过了障碍。
- potential barrier chromatography 势障层析
- He have get over the language barrier. 他已克服了语言障碍。
- A large crowd crushed past (the barrier). 大群的人挤过了(障碍物).