- pour point temperature 浇铸点温度
- When transporting waxy crude oil in pipeline at ambient temperature, depressant is added to reduce pour point and improve low temperature flowability. 在原油中添加降凝剂,可以降低原油凝点,改善原油低温流动性,以利于实现含蜡原油管道常温输送。
- Depression of the pour point of diesel oil and improve its fluidity in subzero. 降低各种柴油的冷凝点和冷滤点,提高其低温流动性。
- The research on the low temperature pumpability of oil shows that the pour point depressant has the remarkable improvement;It is difficult to solve the high temperature antifoaming of . 对油品低温泵送性能的研究表明,降凝剂具有明显改善作用;传统的抗泡剂已很难解决润滑油的高温抗泡沫问题,如何有效解决该问题正成为研制、生产高档油的一个挑战。
- A pour point depressant (PPD) for improving the cold fluidity of diesel oils was studied. 摘要对柴油降凝剂进行了研究,降凝剂为苯乙烯、顺丁烯二酸酐及正十八胺三元共聚物。
- PPA-69 vibrating type pour point analyzer can automatically determine the pour point of oil product stream on line. PPA-69型振动式倾点分析仪是在线测定油品倾点(凝点)的自动化仪器,其样机经多年的现场试用和不断改进,已制成了防爆型仪器,其流路为全封闭式结构,在一定的条件下,不需样品处理和回收系统。
- A terpolymer of styrene,diisooctyl maleate,octadelyl acrylate was synthesized as pour point depressant for base-oils. 合成了苯乙烯-马来酸二异辛酯-丙烯酸十八酯三元共聚物用作基础油降凝剂。
- Flash point Temperature at which a concentration of solvent vapours will ignite if exposed to a flame or spark. 集中的溶剂蒸汽能被火焰或火花点著火的温度
- It has excellent pour point since it contains no wax, having a good thermal stability. 它具有优良的倾点,因为它不包含任何蜡,具有良好的热稳定性。
- This study provides parameters for EOR experiment of high pour point oil reservoir. 该研究可以为高凝油藏提高采收率试验提供参考。
- The influence of different protecting liquid on jujube dongzao freezing point temperature is studied exploringly. 同时对不同保护液对冬枣冰点的影响进行了探索性研究。
- At last,we discuses the use of pour point depressant and viscosity reducer for super viscosity crude oil. 同时对特稠油的降凝降粘应用作了一定探讨。
- Synthesis and purification of long chain alkyl acrylate as intermediate of pour point depressant were introduced . 介绍了降凝剂中间体丙烯酸高碳醇酯的合成和产品分离提纯方法。
- The main reason of the condensation is that the temperature of building envelope is lower than the dew point temperature of indoor air. 造成室内游泳馆发生结露现象的主要原因是室内游泳馆围护结构的温度低于室内空气的露点温度。
- Practice shows that it is effective to apply this technology to heavy oil, high pour point oilfoeld extration. 实践表明,对于开采难度大的稠油、高凝油油田,采用井下热水循环工艺是一项行之有效的工艺技术。
- The copolymers of EFMA have effects on pour point depression and viscosity reduction of waxy crude oil. 合成了EFMA降凝剂,并考察了它的合成条件和降凝效果。
- An application of wheel flow simulator in the evaluation of pour point depressant is described in this paper. 探讨了用转轮流动模拟器评价原油降凝剂的效果和模拟输油管道输送添加降凝剂含蜡原油的工业性试验的可行性。
- Functional nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) was used to study the effect of NMR state diagram and transition point temperature(Tp) on Maillard reaction rate in model food systems. 因此,核磁共振状态图对于评估最佳的储藏温度,以及通过配方设计来延长食品的货价期具有指导意义。
- Combining application of the point temperature method and thermal infrared imager can realize higher precision in the temperature measurement and deserves to be recommended. 点温法与红外热像仪结合,可以有效地提高红外热像仪的测温精度,值得广泛推广。
- When this material was applied in the regenerator and cyclone separator of FCC unit, the skill temperature could be increased and maintained above the dew point temperature. 该材料应用于催化裂化装置的再生器和旋风分离器,能够提高设备的壁温,使壁温在露点以上。