- pour point test 倾点试验, 倾倒试验
- Depression of the pour point of diesel oil and improve its fluidity in subzero. 降低各种柴油的冷凝点和冷滤点,提高其低温流动性。
- The field test was performed very successfully and showed that BEM3 flow improver had a good pour point depressing/viscosity reducing effect for the crude oil in Luning pipeline, after applying B... 现场试验表明,BEM3对鲁宁线原油具有较好的降凝效果和降粘效果,鲁宁线应用BEM3原油流动性改进剂后,降低了管线安全运行温度,取得了可观的经济效益。
- A pour point depressant (PPD) for improving the cold fluidity of diesel oils was studied. 摘要对柴油降凝剂进行了研究,降凝剂为苯乙烯、顺丁烯二酸酐及正十八胺三元共聚物。
- PPA-69 vibrating type pour point analyzer can automatically determine the pour point of oil product stream on line. PPA-69型振动式倾点分析仪是在线测定油品倾点(凝点)的自动化仪器,其样机经多年的现场试用和不断改进,已制成了防爆型仪器,其流路为全封闭式结构,在一定的条件下,不需样品处理和回收系统。
- A terpolymer of styrene,diisooctyl maleate,octadelyl acrylate was synthesized as pour point depressant for base-oils. 合成了苯乙烯-马来酸二异辛酯-丙烯酸十八酯三元共聚物用作基础油降凝剂。
- It has excellent pour point since it contains no wax, having a good thermal stability. 它具有优良的倾点,因为它不包含任何蜡,具有良好的热稳定性。
- Under the General Points Test, a minimum passing mark will be set. 综合计分制预设有最低及格分数。
- This study provides parameters for EOR experiment of high pour point oil reservoir. 该研究可以为高凝油藏提高采收率试验提供参考。
- At last,we discuses the use of pour point depressant and viscosity reducer for super viscosity crude oil. 同时对特稠油的降凝降粘应用作了一定探讨。
- Synthesis and purification of long chain alkyl acrylate as intermediate of pour point depressant were introduced . 介绍了降凝剂中间体丙烯酸高碳醇酯的合成和产品分离提纯方法。
- Various kinds of dew point hygrometer emerge rapidly,and their cooling methods and dew point test methods diverse from each other. 露点仪的种类繁多,且冷却方式、露点检测方法各不相同。
- Practice shows that it is effective to apply this technology to heavy oil, high pour point oilfoeld extration. 实践表明,对于开采难度大的稠油、高凝油油田,采用井下热水循环工艺是一项行之有效的工艺技术。
- The copolymers of EFMA have effects on pour point depression and viscosity reduction of waxy crude oil. 合成了EFMA降凝剂,并考察了它的合成条件和降凝效果。
- Begin with the alarm points testing, please. 先做报警点试验。
- An application of wheel flow simulator in the evaluation of pour point depressant is described in this paper. 探讨了用转轮流动模拟器评价原油降凝剂的效果和模拟输油管道输送添加降凝剂含蜡原油的工业性试验的可行性。
- This paper studies shear effect on the viscosity and gel point of Daqing waxy crude beneficiated* by pour point depressant (PPD) through experiments. 通过管流剪切、过泵剪切模拟试验以及管输模拟试验,研究了剪切作用对加剂大庆原油粘度和凝点的影响。
- The pour point depressant(PPD)and drag reduction agent(DRA)play a key role in the oil transportation in Kelamayi Oilfield. “两剂”(降凝剂和减阻剂)在克拉玛依油田原油外输中发挥了非常重要的作用。
- The Gargoyle Arctic Oil group has good oxidation stability, low pour point, good demulsibility and excellent resistance to foaming. 佳高冷冻机油有良好的抗氧化性能,凝点低,抗乳化性能良好及有极佳之抗泡沫性能。