- powdered fly ashes treatment 粉尘治理
- The infection mechanics which powdered fly ash affects clayey soil's plastic and liquid limits is studied in detail. 详细分析了粉煤灰对粘土的塑液限影响的机理。
- Experimental study on fly ash treatment of cupper-bearing waste water 粉煤灰处理含铜废水的正交实验研究
- Research on technology of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash treatment and its utilization in cement production as resource materials 城市垃圾焚烧飞灰处理技术及其在水泥生产中资源化利用
- Reuse of Bottom and Fly Ash and. 火力发电厂灰渣废水二次处理再利用。
- fly ash treatment 飞灰
- Fly ash strengthened aluminium-matrix composite was prepared using powder metallurgy technique. 采用粉末冶金法制备粉煤灰增强铝基复合材料。
- The most effective ingredients for making up high performance concrete are super-plasticizing agent,fly ash or slag powder,silicon powder. 配制高性能混凝土最有效的几种组分是超塑化剂、粉煤灰或矿渣、硅粉。
- Durability Properties of High Volume Fly Ash Con-cretes. 结构混凝土中粉煤灰掺入量是30%25-70%25,但没有路用性能的分析。
- Fly ash can be take as high quality admixture of concrete. 处理后的粉煤灰可作为优质的混凝土掺合料。
- Fly ash effeCts"of fly ash added calcium is analyzed qualitatively. 本文从定性、定量两方面分析了增钙灰的“粉煤灰效应”。
- In this paper the usability of a quarry dust limestone powder in concrete applications substituted for fly ash as mineral admixture is investigated. 为了有效利用石粉资源,本文对石灰岩石粉代替粉煤灰作混凝土矿物掺合料的可用性进行了研究。
- The effects of fly ash,water retention agent,re-dispersible latex powder and water reducing agent on performance of mortar were . 研究了粉煤灰、保水剂、可再分散乳胶粉、减水剂等对砂浆性能的影响,并探讨各种外加剂对砂浆的改性机理。
- It tests the effects of micro-aggregates,such as slag powder,fly ash,limestone powder and powder in kiln,to cement chroma. 试验了在水泥中掺入矿渣粉、粉煤灰、石灰石粉和窑灰等微集料对水泥色度的影响。
- To the difficult of coal ash treatment in the Yangtse Rive Salt Plant, the author advanced a reasonable measure for it. 针对湖北长江制盐厂产生的粉煤灰处理困难的情况,提出了比较合理的处理方案,以抛砖引玉,与同行探讨。
- This paper studies proper activators for activation of CFB fly ash and the methods of producing building mortar powder by CFB fly ash. 本文介绍了采用适当的激发剂,对流化床粉煤灰活性进行激发,用此生产建筑砂浆粉的试验研究。
- The best improved ability for countering chloride diffusion is reached with the addition of 20% limestone powder as well as 20% fly ash. 当混凝土中石灰石粉掺量为20%25时,粉煤灰改善混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能的最佳掺量为20%25。
- This paper introduces raw material treatment, production thchnology and product properties of making fly ash brick retted with fly ash, lime, gypsum and chemical retting. 本文介绍以粉煤灰、石灰、石膏和化学浸渍液生产粉煤灰水浸砖的原料处理,生产工艺和产品性能。
- With NaCl as activator,15% H2SO4 as modifier,the phosphorus removing agent AFA was prepared by the fly ash which modified with activation at high temperature and acid treatment. 以NaCl为活化剂,15%25H2SO4为改性剂,采取高温活化后再进行酸处理的方式对粉煤灰进行改性,制备深度除磷剂AFA。