- powdery mildew of sweet pea 香豌豆白粉病
- Wair K R,Albert H.Ellingboe Studies on the germination of conidiospures of powdery mildew of wheat[J].Phytopathology,52:745. 陈企村.;温、湿度和光照对宁夏灌区春小麦白粉病菌分生孢子萌发的影响[J]
- Control rust and powdery mildew of wheat,sheat and culm blight of rice,leaf spot corn,black rot of pineapple,powdery mildew of melon,fruit and vegetable,stream canker and powdery mildew of rubber. 用于小麦锈病,水稻纹枯病及云纹病,棉花叶斑病,瓜果蔬菜白粉病,凤梨黑腐病,橡胶条溃病、白粉病。
- The palate has flavours of red berries, glace cherries and alpine strawberries with floral notes of sweet pea and roses balanced with befreshing acid. 红莓、蜜饯樱桃、雪山草莓和花香在味蕾间跌宕,在蜜豆和玫瑰花的气味中,更突出酸味的清爽。
- During flowering-podding stage of sweet pea,applying K fertilizer could reduced the flower and pod drop and applying N fertilizer could improved the commodity value of pod. 在花荚期增施钾肥可以明显减少落花落荚,增施氮肥可以明显提高豆荚的商品性。
- Wheat powdery mildew is one of wheat main diseases. 小麦白粉病是小麦的主要病害之一。
- Research on Controlling Powdery Mildew of Rose 月季白粉病药剂防治
- Study on Powdery Mildew of Grand Myrtle 紫薇白粉病的研究
- powdery mildew of wheat and barley 麦类白粉病
- powdery mildew of calabash gourd 长瓜白粉病
- powdery mildew of cucumber (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) 黄瓜白粉病菌
- Custard is a kind of sweet sauce. 软冻是一种甜食。
- powdery mildew of pea 豌豆白粉病
- The powdery mildews of beans were surveyed in the monthly sown bean plants at TARI from September 1984 to June 1986. 摘要自民国73年9月到75年6月止,于本所农场设立豆类白粉病观测圃,每月播种大豆、绿豆及红豆各一次,做白粉病的发病度调查。
- He took a mouthful of sweet country air. 他吸一口清香的乡村空气。
- Effect of osthol on controlling powdery mildew of cucumber 蛇床子素防治黄瓜白粉病研究
- Sweet pea seed can be sown in May. 香豌豆籽可在五月份种上.
- Occurrence and Control Measures for Powdery Mildew of Chinese Rose Mili 月季白粉病的发病规律及综防措施
- Fig. 2. Germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus. 图2.;非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的发芽管。
- The sweet peas are twisting up the canes. 香豌豆沿藤向上蔓生。