power play

  • (球赛)集中攻势; (政治)高压攻势

power play的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:


  1. an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power;

    "she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away"

  2. a play in which there is a concentration of players in one location on the field of play;

    "they used a power play to return the kickoff"

  3. (ice hockey) a play in which one team has a numerical advantage over the other as a result of penalties;

    "the team was unable to capitalize on the power play"

power play的用法和样例:


  1. The manager was worried about the strength of their opponent's attack,so he swapped horses in midstream,brought on two substitutes and instructed them to play a defensive game.
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