- power conditioning circuitry 功率调节电路
- A power conditioning system (PCS) is required at the coilgrid interface. 线圈与电网的接口需要一功率调节系统(pcs)。
- A power conditioning system (PCS) is required at the coil\grid interface. 线圈与电网的接口需要一功率调节系统(PCS)。
- A novel power conditioning circuit for flux compression generators (FCG) to drive high impedance loads is presented. 爆磁压缩发生器一般具有较低阻抗,在驱动较高阻抗负载时需要脉冲功率调制电路。
- Power conditioning is used to minimize voltage and frequency variations in an external power. 电源调节用来最小化外部电源的电压变化和频率变化。
- Three-phase UPS systems are used in most large data centers for power conditioning and battery back-up in the event of mains power failure. 当数据中心一旦发生主电源掉电的时候,三相不间断电源系统是应用最广泛的后备电池和供电条件。
- This dissertation is the result of research and development of a power conditioning system for Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storage System. 本文旨在研制以数位信号处理器为基础之双向直流-直流功率转换器,作为蓄电池充、放电使用。
- The output voltage range of AMTEC is wide. This paper gives the design of a power conditioning system(PCS),which is composed of a DC/DC converter and a DC/AC converter according to volt-ampere characteristic of AMTEC. 针对碱金属热电转换器(AMTEC)的伏安特性,设计了DC/DC和DC/AC两级变换的功率调节系统。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Another one is the nonlinear vibration of the transducer, which is based on the alteration of the piezoelectric parameters under high power condition. 二是换能器本身的非线性振动,主要原因是大功率下压电参数的变化。
- The dual-tripler scheme for third harmonic generation(THG) is studied by the coupled equations under the small signal and high power condition((1. 条件下研究了晶体串接三次谐波(THG)转换方案,并利用实验验证了该方案。
- The factors influencing the power condition of the screw press' locomotive parts have been introduced, with proposition of the corresponding solving method. 分类讨论了影响螺旋压力机运动部件支承结构受力条件的因素,并提出了相应的解决方法。
- The measurement of RLC equivalent circuit parameters of piezoelectric transformer was accomplished by using an impedance analyzer under low power condition. 本论文在实验上利用阻抗分析仪完成压电变压器在低功率工作时,等效电路参数的量测。
- The result shows,if proper charge ratio,power condition and smelting time can be fined,material consumption and productive cost can be further decreased. 结果表明,若找到合适的配料比、用电制度及冶炼时间,则可进一步降低原料消耗和生产成本。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- system design / power conditioning system 系统设计/功率调节系统
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。