- zero power factor characteristic 零功率因数特性
- Power factor characteristics of the rectifier is introduced,and control methods for the conduction angles are analyzed. 介绍了整流装置的功率因数的特点,分析了导通角的控制方法。
- Power factor characteristics of the rectifier is introduced, and control methods for the conduction angles are analyzed. 摘要介绍了整流装置的功率因数的特点,分析了导通角的控制方法。
- power factor characteristic 功率因数特性
- Voltage distortion and power factor lag. 电压波形失真及功因低落。
- VoltageControl and Power Factor correction. 电压控制与功率因素调整。
- Voltage Control and Power Factor correction. 电压控制与功率因素调整
- But it has better ripple current and dissipation factor characteristic. 但它能够更好的滤波和更低的耗散因数。
- Displacement factor, power factor of the fundamental. 位移因数;又称基波功率因数。
- Improve the power factor and reduce the reactive power dissipation. 提高系统的功率因素,减少无功损耗。
- The power factor (pf) is the ratio of average power to apparent power. 功率因数是有功功率与视在功率之比。
- Automatic compensation load reactive power, enhancing the load power factor. 自动补偿负荷无功功率,提高负荷功率因数。
- Texas Instruments Incorporated, “UC3854 High Power Factor Preregulator” 1999. 梁适安著,“高频交换式电源供应器”,民国84年,全华科技图书。
- The Power factor will be 0.8(lag) when compensation condenser is used. 若配置补偿电容器,功率因数为0.;8(滞后)
- If needed power factor compensation device, supplied by the Seller free. 如果需要功率因数补偿装置;则由卖方免费提供.
- Vector control of inverter allowed power factor regulation of the windmill. 对网侧逆变器采用矢量控制来调节风电系统的功率因数。
- Induction motor (IM) drive system fed by dual PWM was concerned of its characteristic of working in four quadrants, almost sinusoidal-wave current at grid side and controllable power factor, etc. 摘要基于双PWM技术的异步电动机传动系统以4象限工作、网侧电流近似正弦和功率因数可控等特性受到广泛关注。
- Search for simple, high power factor, lamp ballast topologies, a more practical aspect of lighting electronics, is presented in Part II.Part I.Flourescent lamps have a special v-i characteristic. 后级灯管驱动采用共臂双灯管换流器,以低频方波驱动双灯管可避免产生音频共振现象,灯管操作于负压以延长灯管寿命。
- Power Factor Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the actie power( kW) and apparent power( kA) in a circuit. 功率因数功率因数是电路中有功功率(W)视在功率(A)间夹角的余弦值。
- They can be plug-installed power compensator, the power factor can be more than 0.9 after expiation. 可按用户要求加装功率补偿器,补偿后功率因数可达0.;9以上。