- Analysis on power purchase cost and competition efficiency in electricity market 电力市场中购电费用及竞争效率分析
- power purchase cost 购电成本
- Promoting purchase cost reduction activities. 通过总成本管理、成本表来推动降低采购成本的活动。
- Providing correct purchase cost information. 提供正确的采购成本信息。
- Cutting purchase cost upon requirements. 按要求降低采购成本。
- Cost control. Analysis of purchase cost, price control. 成本控制:采购成本分析、价格控制。
- Lower the purchase cost of the projects by many different channels and methods. 通过各种渠道和方法降低项目采购成本。
- Make yearly purchase cost saving planning based on the potential projects. 基于潜在的项目,制定年度采购成本节约计划。
- Cut 3% material purchase cost required by the Headquarter in our BP. 事业计划中已考虑总部降低材料采购成本3%25;
- Record accurately AP, AR, Inventory, Purchase Cost, Sales Income, Capital, etc. 准确核算应付帐款、应收帐款、库存、采购成本、销售收入、固定资产等。
- Options is a contract in which the contract within a specified period of time to set prices above a certain power purchase or sell the rights. 期权是一种合同,这种合同给于在特定时间内以上定价格买进或卖出某种政权的权利。
- Control and improve purchasing cost. 控制和改善采购成本。
- Peng's comments on the pilot test of 15 aluminum makers' direct power purchase:” The key is to set a proper pricing mechanism, so as to reduce government intervention”. 彭森在谈到15家参加直购电试点的电解铝企业时,评论说:“关键是建立合理的定价机制,减少政府对价格过多干预的问题”。
- Sensitive conception of purchase cost saving, and make sure purchase activity strictly in line with purchase procedure. 较强的采购成本节约意识,保证采购行为严格地遵守公司的采购程序。
- The value at which fixed assets are listed in the balance sheet. Effectively the original purchase cost minus any allowance for depreciation. 资产负债表所反映的账面价值。固定资产的账面价值一般等于原购入成本减去累计折旧。
- Consolidated goodwill means the diffdrence of purchase cost of amalgamated company that gets ahead of the net assets value of enterprise. 合并商誉是指合并企业的收购成本超过所取得的被合并企业净资产公允价值的差额。
- This paper proposes venture eluding measures which suit for our country enterprise characteristic in purchase cost control process. 本文根据国内的企业采购情况,提出适合我国企业特点的采购成本控制过程中的风险规避措施。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- It is show that if the retailer can depress the purchase cost of private brand products under the original wholesale price, the retailer can attack their competitor. 研究结果发现,若零售商能压低其私有品牌产品的进货成本在原始的批发价之下时,零售商将有能力反击其竞争者。
- Need for Long-term Power Purchase Agreements 需要长期购电协议