- power save class 功率节省类
- Auto sleep and off for power save and prolong heater life. 自动休眠及关机;省电及延长发热件的寿命.
- power saving class 功率节省类型
- New method for power saving of beam pumping units. 游梁式抽油机节能新技术探讨。
- The keyboard is much cooler in Power Saving Mode! 省电模式下的键盘,温度凉快得多喔!
- Adopted power save, shadow-less, flash-less ring-formed bright fluorescent tube has no bad effect to vision. 采用节能,无影,无闪烁环型光亮灯管,不会影响视力。
- Intelligent MCU control has auto sleep, awake and auto power off functions to help power save, safety and long life. 智能MCU控制具备自动休眠,唤醒及自动关机等省电,安全及长寿功能。
- Automatic startup and automatic power saving function stands. 有自动开机及自动停机节电功能。
- Built in power down modes makes power saving easily realizable. 内置的掉电模式更能实现低功耗运作。
- Active Power Save delivers best-in-class seek mode power consumption through an advanced WD firmware which conserves power in active seek modes without degrading performance. Active Power Save技术通过一种先进的WD固件减少搜寻模式耗电量,是同类产品中的佼佼者,这种固件能在主动搜寻模式下节约电力且不会降低性能。
- Physical level can implement power saving by reducing transmitting power. 物理层节能,可通过降低节点发射功率实现。
- The reformation effect is notable and the rate of power saving is over 35%. 改造后二次循环水泵的节电效率高达35%25,节能效果十分显著。
- Power saving with lower current consumption in advance of smoothen tuming. 成洋本著,配合先进技术的提升整体的规划。
- Gelan company, performance reliable, repair convenience, power saving. 源,是杜绝跑、冒、滴、漏健身文明工厂的理想防腐输送设备。
- As these were a saving class, while the posterity of the feudal aristocracy were a squandering class, the former by degrees substituted themselves for the latter as the owners of a great proportion of the land. 由于这些人喜欢节俭,而封建贵族子弟挥霍成性,前者便逐渐取代后者成为大部分土地的所有者。
- As these were a saving class,while the posterity of the feudal aristocracy were a squandering class,the former by degrees substituted themselves for the latter as the owners of a great proportion of the land. 由于这些人喜欢节俭,而封建贵族子弟挥霍成性,前者便逐渐取代后者成为大部分土地的所有者。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Compensate and improve the lagging power factor of industrial facilities. MPU built-in power saving module. 带微处理器的节电专用模块可有效提高设备运行功率因数。
- Low electric power consumption, which reaches only 8-10W under the power saving mode. 耗电量低,省电模式下只达8-10W。
- You can't delete any of the three default power plans (Balanced, Power saver, or High performance). 不能删除三个默认电源计划(“已平衡”、“节能程序”和“高性能”)中的任一个。