- Characteristics and Prevention Technology of Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf Area of False Dip Longwall Mining Face with Flexible Hydraulic Powered Shield Support 伪倾斜柔性掩护支架工作面采空区自然发火特点及防治技术
- powered shield support 掩护支架
- Analysis and handle some question and hitch in the mining coal face of hydraulic powered shield supports 掩护支架工作面问题分析和故障处理
- The fact shows that the single leg type shield support and the technology of discharging coal in the side is an efficient method of coal mining under the condition of steep thick coal seam. 通过井下生产实践表明:单腿支撑柔性掩护支架采煤法和侧向放煤技术相结合是开采大倾角厚煤层一个新的、有效的采煤方法。
- The paper pointed out the development tendency of the pseudo inclined coal mining with flexible shield supports. 提出了伪斜柔性掩护支架开采技术以后的发展趋势。
- The upgrade to the T2 Shield Generator, the HSD features a larger, more powerful shield, but at an increased operating cost. 2级护盾生成器的升级版;HSD装备有更大更强的护盾;但是运行耗费更多能源.
- DBT supplies the full range of equipment from hydraulic shield supports, electro hydraulic controls, conveyors, ploughs and shearers to crushers and diesel transport vehicles. DBT提供从液压支架、电液控制系统、运输机、刨煤机、采煤机到破碎机、辅助运输系统的成套设备和解决方案。
- Keywords composite allophone mudstone;roof;support technology;hydraulic powered shield; 复合铝土泥岩;顶板;支护技术;液压支架;
- Energize your SkyRaider with bonuses for bombs, extra power, shielding, and extra life to fight against your enemies. 手机游戏简介: Different enemies with various attacking paths will make for a hard journey for you.
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Pursue the Achievement of Shield Support to Mine and Cognition 推行掩护支架采煤的成果与认识
- A Tryout of the Mining Method with Flexible Shield Support 柔性掩护支架采煤法在我矿的试用
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Ways to Improve Unit Productivity in Working Face with Flexible Shield Support 提高柔性掩护支架采煤面单产的途径
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- Its huge armored shape had an aggressive, dagger-like profile, studded with heavy weapons emplacements capable of punching through powerful shields and sturdy armor. 高度装甲的外型有着咄咄逼人的,匕首般的侧面,其上散布着可以打穿强力护盾和坚固装甲的重武器炮台。