- The decision to remain together could have a more practical basis, however. 然而,决定继续在一起生活的原因可能更实际一些。
- The teaching of social science had a practical basis in supporting the modernising ideals of educational reform. 社会科学教育有其支持教育改革的现代化目标的实际根据。
- Apparently, this is an attempt to split state sovereignty, which is devoid of any legal or practical basis. 十分明显,这是一种妄图割裂国家主权的行径,它无论在法理上或实际上都是行不通的。
- Apparently,this is an attempt to split state sovereignty,which is devoid of any legal or practical basis. 十分明显,这是一种妄图割裂国家主权的行径,它无论在法理上或实际上都是行不通的。
- In case of such alteration or cancellation, the Organizer will provide alternative arrangements on practical basis. 如果发生取消或变更服务内容的情况,展览会主办单位将在可行的前提下提供其它可供选择的安排。
- Hopefully it can also provide a practical basis for the curriculum administrators when making policy decision. 为我国中小学实施双语教学的可行性提供佐证,为中小学双语教学实践提供成功范例,为课程管理者和教育行政部门的决策提供依据。
- This provides a theoretical and practical basis for the popularization of foam complex flooding. 为泡沫复合驱的进一步推广打下了良好的理论和实践基础。
- It also provided the theoretical and practical basis for high pressure water jet comminution. 该结果还为具有压力释放效应粉碎机理的高压水射流超细粉碎的研究提供了理论和实验依据。
- The study has enriched the chromosome theory of Morus plants,and provied the theoretical and practical basis for themulberry genetics and breeding. 丰富了桑属植物染色体研究内容,为桑树遗传育种提供了理论和实践依据。
- The experiment provides a theoretic and practical base for industrial production of heteroside of hypericum Chinese L. 所述结论为金丝桃甙的工业生产提供了依据。
- CO2 EOR has been widely applied and will provide theoretical and practical basis to efficient and sustainable development of global oil resources. CO2提高采收率技术应用广泛,必将为全球石油资源的高水平、高效益开发和可持续发展提供理论及实践依据。
- CO2 EOR has been widely applied and will provide theoretical and practical basis to efficient and sustainable development of global oil reso. 应用CO2提高采收率是埋存CO2的重要途径,CO2注入包括水与气交替注入方式和重力稳定注入方式。
- After that the writer concludes that the lack of legal basis and practical basis makes the legal effect of notarization unhopeful. 通过分析,笔者认为我国公证的法律效力缺乏相应的理论基础和实践基础,使得公证的法律效力缺乏生命力。
- The voyage called attention to possibilities of the trade with China, and later American ventures were on a less spectacular but more practical basis. 这趟航海引起人们对中国贸易可行性的注意,后期美国投资事业则建立在较实际而不华丽的基础上。
- This study provides an important theoretical and practical basis for reasonable selection of insecticides to control B. campestris pests. 研究结果为合理选择药剂防治白菜害虫提供理论和实践依据。
- CO2 EOR has been widely applied and will provide theoretical and practical basis to efficient and sustainable development of global oil reso... CO2提高采收率技术应用广泛,必将为全球石油资源的高水平、高效益开发和可持续发展提供理论及实践依据。
- Dissipative structure theory and edge effect is the theoretical and practical base of the uneven row spacing regime. 通过介绍非均匀密度人工林培育的概念,阐述了非均匀密度的理论和实践基础,即耗散结构理论和边行效应。
- He developed a sadhana practice based on Green Tara Tantra. 后来依照这仪轨修习而成就者,不计其数。
- It is evitable for system ethic to replace individual ethic, which is also the practical basis for governing the country with moral. 制度伦理取代个体伦理是历史的必然,也是以德治国的实践基础。
- In this article anthors deal with the influence of IHT on gas metablism in order to offer necessary and practical basis for its application in our country. 笔者通过人体实验 ,探讨间歇性低氧训练对气体代谢及运动耐力的影响 ,为该训练方法在我国的推广应用提供必要的理论 ,实践依据。