- practical language view 实践的语言观
- This paper is a case study of "absolute adjectives", with a view of finding the limitations of the "prescriptive approach", and suggests taking a dialectic stand in theoretical research and practical language teaching. 英语绝对形容词的比较等级分析,可以说明正确的语言观应该建立在客观、动态基础之上,应该按语言的本来面貌对语言进行客观描写。
- Wrote a birdie C language viewing of the gam... 写了个菜鸟的C语言的猜数字的游戏程序的原代码-rings off the viewing of the game!
- For beginning-level ESL students, this book helps develop practical language at work or in one's personal life. 英文初学者可藉由本书学习实用英文能力,使你不论在职场或日常生活无往不利。
- Postmodern writers' language view has been deeply molded by postmodern thinking: man created language and is in turn controlled by language, which is doomed to be indeterminate. 后现代思潮深刻地影响了后现代派作家的语言观:创造了语言的人却反过来被语言所驾驭。
- Moreover they realized to study the influence on Chinese Achaean poetics that the Taoism language view has made, but the studies were not systematic. 而且他们虽然认识到了道家语言观对古代诗学的影响,但只是从某一方面进行探寻,并未对其做出全面的论说。
- It is really worth researching that the difference between the meaning and usage about synonym, especially the research on the character in writing and practical language. 日语提示助词中的类义词在词义和用法上的区别,特别是日语提示助词在篇章中和实际语言运用中的特点的研究,目前在语法学界也属前沿领域,是一个很值得研究的课题。
- The characteristic of this series lies in its authentic, practical language expression, stresses on colloquialism, liveliness, and modernization of language. 这套系列图书的特点在于语言表达地道、实用,突出语言的口语化、生活化和时代化。
- I always use various textbooks and handouts from my home teaching resources library to supply my students with useful and practical language information and vocabulary. 我总是用我家的教学资源库的各方面的教科书和宣传单,为我的学生提供实用的语言信息和词汇。
- Japanese accessory word and auxiliary verb have obvious differences either in expressing meanings or practical language applications compared with nouns, verbs or, other words. 日语中所谓的助词、助动词与名词、动词等其它词相比,无论是在表达的意义上,还是在实际的语言运用中都存在着明显的不同。
- This Space is a Space for practicing languages. 本空间是您练习语言的空间。
- Common English Symptoms Department: If you have been learning English for quite a few years and feel hard to make any progress, or if you have practical language problems, come on in. 英语初学者或还没有入门者,学英语有一些年了,老是不见长进,请来此就诊。
- Language viewed as a system including vocabulary,grammar,and pronunciation of a particular community. 语言被看作由特定人群使用的包括单词、语法和发音的语言系统
- Language viewed as a system including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of a particular community. 语言被看作由特定人群使用的包括单词、语法和发音的语言系统
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- practical language trainingcourse 实践课
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- Practical experience belies this theory. 实际经验证明这个理论是错误的。