- We've commissioned a number of historical studies. 我们还委托别人进行了若干项历史研究,努力寻找一些问题的答案,如:历史上的重大变化是如何发生的?
- This one is particularly intriguing: 'Head Canting in Paintings: An Historical Study' - I may just give that a read. 这个尤其耐人寻味“绘画作品中的餐厅牌子:一项历史性研究”我很可能会看一看。
- A historical study of Dai literature reveals that Dai writing has played a key role in the development and prosperit y of Dai folk literature. 纵观傣族文学的发展历史 ,我们不难看出傣文对傣族民间文学的繁荣和发展起着决定性作用。
- As such, Burckhardt cleverly combined historical study with research of art together, and become the most original historian in nineteenth century. 如此,布氏巧妙地结合了历史研究与研究巧妙地结合,成为十九世纪最具有原创性的史家之一。
- Secondly review the historical studies about etyma and affix. 其次回顾词根与词缀之间的研究情况,就目前来讲,多数汉语言学者都以名词性词根为主要研究对象,对词根是其它词性的情况只限于一般的顺便提及。
- Generally speaking, the historical study of Athenian society in fifth century B.C. mainly relies on the works of Thucydides and inscriptions. 一直以来,研究公元前五世纪雅典城邦社会的史料来源主要是修昔底德的作品和一些铭文。
- TOYNBEE regards the integrated civilization as a unit of history study, this has interpreted the theory of general and comprehensive historical study. 汤因比把整体性的文明作为历史研究的单位,进一步开拓了宏观综合治史的理论;
- The National Museum in Beirut houses an impressive collection of archaeological artifacts, statuettes and sarcophagi from pre historic times in Lebanon to present. 贝鲁特国家博物馆收藏有非常好的考古器物,是来自黎巴嫩史前时期的小雕像和石棺。
- During this transfer, / traditional historical methods were augmented / by additional methodologies designed to / interpret the new forms of evidence / in the historical study. 在这场转变中,对历史中的新形式证据的附加方式的诠释传统的研究方法得到重视和加强。
- Through full and accurate materials, this paper appraises Tacitus' historical views of society and then analyses the characteristics of historical study in ancient Rome. 本文以翔实的材料评述了塔西陀的社会历史观,并进而分析了古罗马史学的特征。
- According to historical documents, not only was Tian Shunnian a brilliant headman, but also he achieved a lot in cultural study, especially in historical study. 摘要从历史记载来看,田舜年不仅是一位功绩显赫的司主,而且在文化方面,尤其是史学上取得了丰硕的成就。
- During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study. 在转变中,传统的历史方法被另一些已设计的方式充斥着,阻断了历史研究中新证据的形成。
- Through a historical study,the author concludes that in ancient China there was a traditional pract ice of combining witchcraft with history and of recording hist ory with folk customs. 作者认为中国古代有巫史结合,史俗并载的传统。
- In some cases the labor expended on these historical studies was out of proportion to the result achieved. 在某些情况下,花费在这种历史研究的劳动同其所取得的成果很不相称。
- The important status of Luoyang royal catacomb has great influence on administration of feudal society,encourages frugality,promotes scuptural arts development,and impires the deeper historical study. 洛阳皇家墓葬地位重要,对封建社会的治理、提倡节俭之风、促进雕刻艺术的发展、促进历史学的深入研究具有重大的影响。
- Into this mix arrives a highly relevant and much-needed historical study by one of the world's senior scholars of American foreign policy, Melvyn Leffler, a professor at the University of Virginia. 在这场混战中,有一位资深学者做了一项与大选密切相关,而且十分必要的历史研究。他就是熟谙美国外交政策的弗吉尼亚大学教授,梅尔文.;莱弗勒。
- From objects, the process and social need, City History is a new historical study branch which is interacted with some fields and pays attention to understanding and interpretation. 摘要从城市史研究的对象、产生发展历程和社会需要三个方面考察,城市史是一门注重理解与诠释的多学科交叉的新史学门类而区别于传统史学。
- The historical study of language also enables us to determine how non-linguistic factors, such as social, cultural and psychological factors, interact over time to trigger linguistic change. 历史语言学的研究还可以使我们对非语言的因素,如社会文化和心理因素等在语言变化过程中所起的作用有更深的认识。
- Because of its key role, this offshore sandbar is mentioned in many historical studies. 基于这项关键性的角色,大员这个岸外沙洲经常成为相关领域史家研究徵引叙述的对象。
- The historical and scientific study of music. 乐学对音乐进行历史性的和科学性的研究