- This incorporates a modest slowdown in growth in China, as a tighter monetary stance cools investment activity. 中国由于执行紧缩货币政策冷却了投资活动,增长速度略有下滑。
- The spend analysis provides the basis for senior management to reconcile risk mitigation investment activity with priorities. 投资分析在减轻风险投资中为高级管理层提供优先缓解的方案。
- Firm's investment is assumed to be ex ante but transaction is ex post contractible.Lack of control of transaction affects firm's investment activity. 摘要 企业投资决策是事前行为,而交易分配事后才能明确,当企业无法控制交易分配时,其投资积极性会受影响。
- "Do poineering work board rolling out affirmation is a benefit good, but the investment activity of IDG is normaller still, did not have big change because of this. “创业板推出肯定是个利好,但IDG的投资活动还是比较正常,没有因此而有大的变化。”
- Investment activity is the essential motivity of development of productivity, improvement of substantial civilization and melioration of people's living standard. 投资活动是促进生产力发展,提高社会物质文明程度,改善人民生活水平的主要经济动力。
- This course has core elements based around the three main classes of capital investment activity: equity markets, fixed interest markets, and derivative markets. 本课程的核心要素为基础的三个主要类别的资本投资活动:资本市场,固定利息的市场,衍生工具市场。
- But the really pernicious effect of capital weakness comes when banks rein in their lending and investment activity in order to keep their capital ratios constant. 但是资金缺陷真正的害处在于银行为了保持资本充足率而控制借贷和投资。
- Hedge funds also use borrowed money for their investment activities. 对冲基金也经常使用借用的资金来进行投资交易。
- The hope in the US is that with further easing of interest rates, solid export growth to the rest of the world and continuing business investment activity, the US economy may avoid recession. 美国的希望在于,随着利率进一步下降、向世界其余地区的出口强劲增长以及商业投资活动保持下去,美国经济可能会免于步入衰退。
- Why does China still need to attract foreign investments actively? 中国为什么还需要积极利用外资?
- Many farsighted businesspeople have paid their attention to China and to the western regions and got generous profits in return of their investment activities. 世界各国和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,投向了西部,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。
- Investment activities must therefore be carried out prudently, in accordance with these objectives. 投资活动因此一定要按照这些目标,审慎地进行。
- Capital can go up as a result of currency splash can devalue, covert secondhand decreased, should invest actively so the meeting is betterer. 资金会由于通货澎涨会贬值,间接变相的减少了,所以要积极投资会更好一些。
- Opec is not only worried about investor activity in oil markets, but also about preserving high export prices, which underpin government budgets in member countries. 欧佩克不仅担心石油市场上的投资者行为,还为保持石油出口价格高企操心,高油价支撑着欧佩克成员国的政府预算。
- Recently, Baidu C2C start of the Tour investment activities, which is so far Baidu C2C platform for the first time the mass action. 近日,百度C2C启动全国巡回招商活动,这是迄今为止百度C2C平台第一次公开的大规模动作。
- And Hong Kong is,of course,an important gateway to the Asia Pacific region,and I am pleased to see increasing trade and investment activities between Hong Kong and New Zealand. 当然,香港是通往亚太区的重要大门。看见香港和新西兰两地的贸易和投资活动日益增加,我感到非常高兴。
- A bona fide business person is taken to mean a person who is engaged in the trade of goods, the provision of services or the conduct of investment activities. 真正的经商人士是指参与货物贸易、提供服务或进行投资活动的人士。这并不包括表演者、音乐家、艺术家或同类行业的人士。
- And Hong Kong is, of course, an important gateway to the Asia Pacific region, and I am pleased to see increasing trade and investment activities between Hong Kong and New Zealand. 当然,香港是通往亚太区的重要大门。看见香港和新西兰两地的贸易和投资活动日益增加,我感到非常高兴。
- Cook the pie for 20 minutes in a pre heated oven. 在经过预热的烤箱里烘烤馅饼20分钟.
- These forecasts enable managers to plan the company's borrowing and investment activities so as to avoid cash shortages or excessively high cash balances. 这些预报使得管理人员能够计划公司的借款和投资活动,以避免现金短缺或出现现金余额过高的情况。