- Do not preach up such boys so much. 不要把这样一些孩子捧得太高了。
- A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach. 一大群人聚集起来听他布道。
- What I preach, I am resolved to practice. 我所讲的道理,我必定身体力行。
- Some bosses pay themselves like princes while preaching austerity to their workers. 再是一些公司老板一面拿着高薪一面却对员工危言耸听。
- He went abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen. 他去国外向异教徒宣传基督教。
- You are in no position to preach to me about efficiency! 你没有资格对我大谈什麽效率问题!
- The austerely lighted garage was quiet. 灯光黯淡的车库静悄悄的。
- We must observe the rule austerely. 我们应当严守规则.
- We preach freedom around the world. 我们在世界各地宣扬自由。
- I am tired of listening to you preach. 我懒得听你的大道理。
- I am tired of listening to you preach (at me). 我懒得听你(对我讲)的大道理.
- The priest preach a sermon with a trait of humor. 那位神父讲道有幽默感。
- If the beard were all,the goat might preach. 如果长胡就好,山羊也可讲道。
- He devoted his life to preach Buddhism. 他献身于宣扬佛教。
- It is none of my talent to preach. 我是一个不善于劝善的人。
- We must practise what we preach. 我们必须身体力行对他人的教诲。
- Oh rats! I'm afraid dad's going to preach again. 哎呀呀,恐怕爹爹又要谆谆劝诫啦。
- One should not preach down criticism. 不应该公开压制批评。
- Don't preach me a lesson about patience. 别训诫我有关忍耐的大道理; 别规劝我要忍耐。
- The bathroom, too, could not have been more austerely furnished. 卫浴设备更是简单得无以复加。