- For complete information on any ship for sale please contact us directly. If you can't find what you are looking for please contact us with your precise enquiry. 如果这里没有您满意的船舶,请联系我们,我们将给您另外推荐。
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- The inquiry was critical of her work. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。
- I made a detailed inquiry about the facts. 我追问事实真相。
- He made/gave no response to my inquiry. 他对我的询问未予回答。
- He was very precise in following instructions. 他一丝不钆地地执行指示。
- The inquiry give a ruling on the case. 经过调查,已对此案作出裁决。
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。
- An inadvertent inquiry would have brought us into troubled waters. 一次调查不当心,就会使我们陷入混乱局面。
- I can't give you a precise date. 我不能告诉你一个确切的日期。
- We made a strict inquiry into the incident. 我们对这一事件作了周密的调查。
- He was very precise in his manners. 他的一言一行都有板有眼。
- They held an inquiry into the incident. 他们对这一事件展开调查。
- At the precise moment the train started. 就在那时,火车启动了。
- This subject is outside the scope of our inquiry. 这个问题不在我们探讨的范围之内。
- We had precise orders to come home by nine o'clock. 我们得到严格的命令须於九点前回家。
- He is fishing for information by a letter of inquiry. 他写信询问,希望打听一下消息。
- They've promised a thorough inquiry into the plane crash. 他们答应对这次飞机失事进行彻底的调查。
- Precis this chapter in two pages. 用两页写出这一章的大意。
- The state or quality of being precise; exactness. 精确精确的状态或性质; 准确性