- He was very precise in following instructions. 他一丝不钆地地执行指示。
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。
- I can't give you a precise date. 我不能告诉你一个确切的日期。
- He was very precise in his manners. 他的一言一行都有板有眼。
- At the precise moment the train started. 就在那时,火车启动了。
- We had precise orders to come home by nine o'clock. 我们得到严格的命令须於九点前回家。
- precise solubility 精确溶解度
- Precis this chapter in two pages. 用两页写出这一章的大意。
- The state or quality of being precise; exactness. 精确精确的状态或性质; 准确性
- It was find at the precise spot where she had left it. 那东西正好在她遗落的那个地点找到了。
- They differ in solubility and chemical reactivity. 它们在溶解度和化学反应活性上有差别。
- He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing. 他知道什么时候该不说话的那心理上精确的一息间。
- To be precise, the train leaves at nine past eleven. 确切地说,火车十一点零九分开。
- The Determination of The Solubility of Pas Na. 对氨基水杨酸钠溶解度测定。
- Dalian Tianma Solubility Nonwoven Co., Ltd. 大连天马水溶布有限公司。
- Having logical, precise relevance to the matter at hand. 有关系的,相关的对即将到来的事情有合乎逻辑且明确的关联
- Gases in Liquids, Test for Solubility of Fixed (05. 流体中气体的固定溶解性的试验(05。
- I am not clear about the precise bearing of the word in this passage. 我说不准这个字在这段文章里的确切意义是什么。
- Include only the essential points when you write a precis. 写大纲的时候,只要把重点包括进去就可以。
- Third, increase the solubility of protein of CGM. 第三,玉米黄粉蛋白的增溶。