- The Parametrical Equalizer gives you the possibility with highest precision adjust the soundcharacter. 参数均衡器使您能够最精确地调整音响属性。
- E. control unit that flipper slips and precision adjustment, operators can manage the machine and operational data, HIGHWAYVISTA you can bring up the production of current and historical data. E.;控制单元,用于迅速换单和精准调整,操作员可以管理机器和作业数据,HIGHWAYVISTA则可以调出当前和历史生产数据。
- A Laser Frequency-Tripled Precision Adjustment Unit 一种激光三倍频精密调整装置
- In an air-conditioned laboratory precise adjustment of the threshold strain can be achieved quite easily. 在装有空调设备的实验室里,准确地调节阈值应变是很容易做到的。
- The paper presents also a method of using GCP data in the geometrical precise adjustment process of satellite images. 应实现的功能及在卫星影像几何精校正的生产过程中应用控制点数据的方法。
- Tip: To precisely adjust the playhead, press the Left or Right Arrow key to move it one frame at a time. 提示:要精确调整播放头,请按下左箭头或右箭头键,使播放头一次移动一帧。
- This machine adopts gears,gear racks and ratchets to quickly and precisely adjust the auxiliary supporter. 5. 4、本机采用齿轮,链条及轮式设计,调整辅助撑台高度,快速确实。
- This loupe, however, is a wide, horizontal, rounded rectangle and lets you more precisely adjust your text selection. 这放大镜,但是,是一个广泛,横向,圆角矩形,并让您更精确地调整您选取的文字。
- The precise adjustable gapless gear ensure accurate mesh. 精密可调无隙齿轮传动副;
- Human Anatomy, thumbs capable of the most precise control, Therefore, when we use the process can be very precise adjustment of the size of the wind and avoid misoperation. 人体解剖学研究,大拇指能进行最精确的操控,所以当我们在使用过程中就能很精确的调节风的大小,避免误操作。
- High precision adjustment of DC generator lower output current 大功率直流发电机高精度恒流调节系统研究
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- The diagram had been copied with great precision. 该图表的复印件很精确。
- Aim for more precision in your style. 写东西时要力求准确。
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- Scientific exactness and precision. 精确,简练科学上的精确和简明
- Precis this chapter in two pages. 用两页写出这一章的大意。
- A small alteration, adjustment, or limitation. 更改小小的改变,调正或限制
- The company made an adjustment in my salary. 公司对我的薪金作了调整。
- This control stand of the blowout preventer needs to be precisely adjusted, otherwise it will not function properly. 这个防喷器控制台需要精确地调节,否则它就不能很好地起作用。