- The support of GCC to the compiling optimization was analyzed, and the implementation of predication and speculation on porting of GCC was presented. 分析了GCC对编译优化的支持,总结了推断和预测在GCC移植过程中的实现方案。
- In their absence, rumour and speculation flourish. 这使猜测和谣言四起。
- predication and speculation 推断与预测
- All the complications of production and speculation are eliminated. 所有生产和投机的复杂情况都不考虑。
- Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media. 媒体不断把流言蜚语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。
- Tuesday came, and with it appropriate indecision and speculation. 到了星期二,她仍是左思右想举起不定。
- We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media. 媒体不断给我们灌输流言蜚语和猜测臆断。
- Based on theory and speculation rather than practice. 不实际的建于理论和推测之上而非实践的
- The British economy by lending and speculation to operatedfor. 英国经济是靠借贷和投机来运转的。
- We talked and speculated until after midnight. 我们一直谈论和分析到半夜。
- We rouse ourselves at intervals and speculate. 我们有时振作起来,进行思索。
- One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation. 自由思想家(尤指在宗教思想方面)拒绝了权威和教条主义,赞同理性的探究和思索的人
- It rejects all dogmatic and speculative assertions in philosophy. 它摈弃哲学中一切教条的和思辨的主张。
- Nominal predication and verbalized noun are two phenomena in Contemporary, Chinese. 摘要体词性谓语现象是一种语言现象。
- He caught her curious and speculative eyes fixed his hands. 他发现她那双好奇而带有疑问的眼睛紧盯着自己的一双手。
- Practice has testified the model is precise in predication and the model has a physical meaning. 经实例检验,模型在作中长期预测时精度较好,结论可靠,并具有一定的物理意义。
- There seemed no point in turning Ruth into an object of gossip and speculation. 露丝变成人们闲谈和推测的话题,是毫无意义的事。
- As a matter of fact, this was purely newspaper gossip and speculation. 事实上,这纯粹是报纸上的闲谈和推测。
- It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. 它提供很多的几何学的述语和功能。
- The political aspects were at once more remote and speculative. 政治形势则比较模糊,难以料定。