- prednisolone tebutate 强的松龙叔丁乙酯
- Her symptoms improved following prednisolone theroapy for 2 weeks. 渐进性的两下肢无力等症候。
- Should prednisolone be first-line therapy for acute gout? 泼尼松龙能否作为痛风急性发作期的一线治疗药物?
- Bolus dosage of prednisolone is an effective treatment for reverse rejection. 甲基强的松龙冲击治疗是逆转排斥反应的有力措施。
- Neertheless, there was high morbidity and mortality, with the prednisolone group doing significantly worse. 然而,氢泼尼松组有明显的危害,即发病率和病死率很高。
- After a period of medical treatment with oral prednisolone and artificial tear eyedrops, orbital decompression was scheduled. 右眼也因此角膜溃疡而必须转诊来之前接受眼睑缘缝合术。
- The case of a child with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura recovered after prednisolone treatment, but lymphoma developed four months later. 本例为一位八岁大的小男孩,其特发性血小板缺缺性紫斑症经过类固醇治疗后痊愈,但淋巴瘤却在四个月后发生。
- The infection of Pneumocystis carinii in Kunming mice was established by oral intake using prednisolone. 采用口服肾上腺皮质激素的方法在国产昆明小鼠成功诱导卡氏肺孢子虫感染。
- AHA-M2 is the special autoimmune antibody of PBC. The efficacy of prednisolone is better for AIH than PBC. 而血中AMA-M2是PBC特征抗体,强的松龙治疗效果AIH优于PBC。
- The immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisolone. 免疫抑制剂包括环孢霉素、硫唑嘌呤和强的松龙。
- Unfortunately, we noted that along with the decreased dose of prednisolone, hypothyroidism seemed to be aggravated. 此外,皮质类固醇剂量的降低可能与自体免疫性甲状腺功能低下症的甲状腺功能恶化有关。
- Cyclosporine, azathioprine and prednisolone were administered as immunosuppressants. 在移植后12天子宫颈阴道吻合情况的评估结果也显示吻合良好。
- Minocycline was discontinued and the man was treated with IV then oral prednisolone. 患者停用美满霉素治疗,并给予强的松龙静脉注射,以后改为口服。
- Prior to the operation at induction of anesthesia the recipient was given a dose of cyclosporine and prednisolone. 在手术进行麻醉诱导之前为受体使用了一剂量的环孢霉素和强的松龙。
- No increase in prednisolone, initiation of NSAID or increase of NSAID dose, was allowed during the study. 在研究期间,可以开始使用或增加NSAID,但不允许增加激素的用量。
- A treatment regimen with a 2-week course of oral prednisolone (10 mg bid) was then offered to the remaining patients. 其馀的病患被建议接受两星期每日20毫克口服类固醇的治疗。
- After operation he received neuro nutrition drugs and Prednisolone because of neurologic deficit. 术后应用甲泼尼龙和营养神经药物。
- METHODS colorimetry was applied to determine prednisolone acetate in the nasal drops. 方法:采用比色法测定制剂中醋酸泼尼松龙的含量。
- Several systems for spray drying of prednisolone solution and suspensions have been studied. 摘要对不同的泼尼松龙体系(包括溶液和混悬液)的喷雾干燥过程进行了考察。
- In a related study by the same researchers, they analyzed the effect of DMARDs and prednisolone use on MI incidence. 在相关的研究中,他们分析了改变病情抗风湿药和氢化泼尼松在心肌梗死中的作用。