- preganglionic neurofibers 节前神经纤维
- Preganglionic become the most concern. 成为节前最让人关心的问题。
- The first neuron in this sequence is called the preganglionic neuron. 第一神经元在此序列被称为节前神经元。
- Direct activation of vagal preganglionic neurons in DMV, AN and ION.B. B.间接激发巨大细胞核,再经此核转而激发迷走神经节前细胞;
- Because sympathetic ganglia lie close to the vertebral column, sympathetic preganglionic fibers are generally short. 因为交感神经节的谎言接近脊柱,交感神经节前纤维,一般短。
- On viscose staple fibers, the preganglionic hunters made the frantic business inventories fell short stick. 就粘胶短纤而言,节前的疯狂抄底使得粘短企业库存减少。
- Recent domestic油粕spot price also continued high demand preganglionic boost stock prices of the main factors disk. 近期国内油粕现货价格也持续走高,节前备货需求是提振盘面价格的主要因素。
- Thus, banking, coal, petroleum, and real estate heavyweight, preganglionic no major opportunity. 因此,银行、煤炭石油、房地产等权重股,节前没有特别大的机会。”
- After falling 8 preganglionic the future, investors have a turn for the better feeling of Dayton. 在经过节前连跌8日后,投资者顿有柳暗花明的感觉。
- In the experimental group, pure glycerol was instilled into the preganglionic rootlets, while in the control group physiologic saline instead. 结果甘油注射组神经纤维轴索变性萎缩,神经传导功能明显下降,10周后神经轴索再生。
- Pathological examination showed an appearance of atrophy,denaturation and necrosis of cells with their neurofibers dissolving and obliteration in hippocampus of lead group rats but no obviously impaired was shown in rats of lead DHG group. (3 )病理检查 ,铅组大鼠海马显著萎缩 ,细胞形态不规则、排列紊乱 ,细胞变性、脱失显著 ,轴突溶解、消失 ; 阿胶铅组海马病理变化不明显。
- Pathological examination showed that appearance of oedema, denaturation, concentration and atrophy of cells with their neurofibers dissolving and necrosis in hippocampus of lead control rats but no evidence was shown in rats jointly given GTEB and DHG. 病理检查 :高铅对照组和低铅对照组大鼠海马萎缩 ,细胞变性、坏死 ,轴突断裂、溶解、消失等 ,而高铅天麻阿胶组和低铅天麻阿胶组细胞变化不明显。
- Sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs), located in the thoracolumbar spinal cord, are the only link between central sympathetic output and peripheral ganglia. 中文摘要交感节前神经元位于脊髓胸段是中枢交感活性输出至周边神经节的唯一连结。
- The result suggests that the post-tetanic enhancement process might be associated with the preganglionic acetylcholine content available for the stimulus-induced release. 本实验之结果表示,由电刺激所产生之节前乙醯胆碱分泌量与强直电刺激后之后期放电之促进作用有关。
- The preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system have their cell bodies in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord, termed the thoracolumbar division. 该节前神经元的交感神经系统,其胞体在胸腰椎地区的脊髓,称为胸记名表决。
- Abstract: The glutamatergic innervations and the GABAergic innervations are the main excitatory and inhibitory inputs of preganglionic cardiac vagal Neurons (CVNs). 摘 要: 谷氨酸能和GABA能支配是心迷走节前神经元(CVN)的主要兴奋性和抑制性突触传入。
- Preganglionic media reports, there were areas of legal holidays 300 percent overtime pay is based on a normal day included employees to calculate their wages paid. 节前有媒体称,我国有地区法定节假日300%25加班工资,是按包含员工当日正常应得工资来计算发放的。
- The effects of preganglionic decentralization of (sympathetic trunk resection) or post-ganglionic excision (ganglionectomy) of the superior cervical ganglia on cerebral blood flow and the formation of heat stroke were assessed in rabbits. 摘要本文旨在探讨上颈神经节节前或节后神经切断对于白兔脑皮层血流与热中暑形成之影响。
- resection of sympathetic preganglionic fibers 交感神经节前纤维切断术
- sympathetic preganglionic neuron 节前交感神经元