- pregastric satiety 胃前饱感
- Tom was filled to satiety by the big dinner. 汤姆在大宴上吃得不能再吃了。
- Satiety is a dream which will always elude you . 完全满足该欲望是一个永远无法实现的梦。
- Thou lovest, but ne'er knew love's sad satiety. 你爱,却从不知晓过分充满爱的悲哀。
- Their presence in foods induces satiety at meal time. 它们在食物中的存在诱导进餐时的满足感。
- Some or bud, satiety may look like an immediate rupture. 有的还是花骨朵儿,看起来饱胀得马上要破裂似的。
- Conersely, satiety pathways are markedly less functional. 而与此相反,饱满感功能显著减少。
- Ms Melanson said: "Satiety signals need time to deelop. Melanson副教授总结道:“饱涨感觉的产生需要时间。
- Oh, the misery of all givers! Oh, the darkening of my sun! Oh, the craving to crave! Oh, the violent hunger in satiety! 我的手从未停止馈赠,这才是我的贫穷!我看见那些期待的眼睛、被照亮的渴望之夜,我感到妒忌!
- Keeping silent and thinking, studying without satiety, teaching others without weariness. 默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦。
- The study tested whether the form of soup and the blending of its ingredients also affected food intake and satiety. 这个实验测试了汤碗的大小和汤里同样影响影响食物摄入量和让人感觉肚子饱的汤里的原料。
- The liquid drug appears to reduce the amount of fat a dog can absorb. It also seems to trigger a feeling of satiety or fullness, according to the FDA. 食品药物管理局指出,这种溶剂似可降低狗狗吸收的脂肪量,同时也似乎可以产生饱足感。
- Overflows with both honey and gall. It gives you a taste of sweetness, and then heaps bitterness before you to satiety. 爱情充满了蜂蜜与胆汁。它让你尝到甜蜜,在你饱足之前又使你满口苦涩。
- The focus on carbs has also highlighted the role of protein in weight management and the feeling of satiety. 对碳水化合物的研究也突出了蛋白质在体重控制和延长饱腹感方面的作用。
- I decided to sell horse pills for treating satiety, though I know that stomach crunch is the best way. 我决定卖一些治疗吃饭吃撑了的大药丸。
- However much you may acquire you will always wish to acquire more; satiety is a dream which will always elude you. 无论你获得的有多么多,你永远还希望得到更多,完全满足是一个你永远实现不了的梦。
- They are doing small, black Chrysosplenium umbilical , sparkling, smooth seeds,浆汁satiety. 它们小巧丰盈,黑脐金腰,黄澄澄,亮晶晶,种籽光润,浆汁饱胀。
- Doctor-patient dispute has been a hot issue as well as a difficult problem in our satiety. 经济改革、医疗改革、信任危机和法治建设构成了我国医患纠纷演变中的主要制约因素。
- Satiety eating 7 into the most comfortable. Treat his girlfriend to keep you most into at 7. 吃饭7成饱最舒服.;对待女友最多也请你保持在7成
- In order to get a satiety bread, he asked the boss let he wiped the bakery window. 为了得到一个果腹的面包,他请求老板让他擦拭面包店的窗户。