- That is,the passing on of HIV infection from a pregnant mother to her fetus. 即怀孕的母亲将HIV传播给胎儿。
- The pregnant mother wants to notice, easily pleased the mood can make brain growth of the kid in oneself's belly good. 怀孕的母亲要注意,轻松愉快的心情能让自己肚子里的孩子的大脑发育良好。
- Caption :Four-year-old Aliya who was holding the hand of his pregnant mother when she was shot. 描述:四岁的阿利亚在怀孕的母亲中弹时正拉着她的手。母亲的紧急手术进行中时,他在人民医院里等待。
- Exposure to pesticides and nitrates can alter the hormonal milieu of the pregnant mother and the developing fetal brain," Winchester explained in a statement. 温彻斯特解释说,"接触杀虫剂和硝酸盐会使孕妇体内的荷尔蒙环境发生改变,从而影响胎儿的大脑发育。
- One night, his pregnant mother is struck by a flash of lightning, precipitating his birth. Unfortunately his mother dies soon after. 他的母亲在怀着他时,有天夜里被一道雷电击中后生下他,但母亲却不幸与世长辞。
- If another fetal continue to grow growth is good, level of fibrinogen of pregnant mother plasma is stable, can continue to observe. 倘若另一胎儿继续生长发育良好,孕母血浆纤维蛋白原水平稳定,可以继续观察。
- In addition, the baby suffers from beriberi easily also, when pregnant mother lacks vitamin B1, new student can suffer from congenital beriberi. 此外,婴儿也易患脚气病,当孕母缺乏维生素B1时,新生儿可患先天性脚气病。
- One day, Florence was a healthy, pregnant mother, the next day she was dead, leaving five motherless children to an uncertain world. 昨天佛罗伦斯还是个怀孕的母亲,身体状况良好。
- Hence the fad for“ teaching aids” such as videos and flashcards for newborns, and“ whale sounds” on tape which a pregnant mother can strap to her belly. 因此,父母喜欢给初生的婴儿观看录像和闪卡,或把磁带贴在孕妇的肚子上对孩子进行“胎教”。
- "Exposure to pesticides and nitrates can alter the hormonal milieu of the pregnant mother and the developing fetal brain," Winchester explained in a statement. 温彻斯特解释说,"接触杀虫剂和硝酸盐会使孕妇体内的荷尔蒙环境发生改变,从而影响胎儿的大脑发育。"
- If the gestation period does not pay attention to the nutrition, easy to cause the denutrition, to will be pregnant mother and the embryo will have the adverse effect. 孕期如果不注意营养,容易引起营养缺乏,对孕妈妈及胎儿将产生不良影响。
- "Exposure to pesticides and nitrates can alter the hormonal milieu of the pregnant mother and the developing fetal brain,\" Winchester explained in a statement. 温彻斯特解释说,\\"接触杀虫剂和硝酸盐会使孕妇体内的荷尔蒙环境发生改变,从而影响胎儿的大脑发育。
- The narrative of Pan's Labyrinth begins in 1944 after Mexico’s civil war has ended. 12-year-old Ofelia is bound to begin a new life with her stepfather and her pregnant mother. 1944年,墨西哥正值内战。孕妇为讨生活带著女儿下嫁军官,被母亲冷落被继父精神虐待,不快乐的小心灵唯有在童话故事里寻求慰藉。
- Mina: I'm on my way to the prenatal clinic for a checkup. All pregnant mothers have to be checked regularly. 米娜:我要去产前诊所检查一下。怀孕是必须定期检查的。
- Racan was born in February 1944, near Leipzig in Germany, in a work camp where his parents had been deported.His father had been killed, but a German family saved his pregnant mother's life. 拉昌1944年2月24日出生于德国,1970年毕业于萨格勒布大学法律系,1965年至1974年任萨格勒布社会研究所研究员。
- The findings are based on a study of 740 first-time pregnant mothers in Britain who didn't know the sex of their fetus. 这发现是基于一项通过740个首次怀孕的母亲且她们并不知道胎儿的性别的研究。
- Lead researcher Dr Shanna Swan, of the Uniersity of Rochester, said: "The number of beef meals consumed by the pregnant mother was significantly and inersely related to her son's sperm concentration. 这项研究的领导者罗彻斯特大学的ShannaSwan教授,说道:“母亲怀孕期间吃的牛肉的数量与她们儿子的精子浓度成反比,并且这个影响是很显著的。”
- He was disobedient to his mother. 他不听他母亲的话。
- However, pregnant mothers can pass the virus to the fetus, and a severe anemia with fetal hydrops and intrauterine demise can result. 然而孕妇可将病毒传给胎儿,并且导致胎儿严重贫血、水肿及宫内死胎。
- All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力。