- You have been asked by your line manager to prepare a report on INCOTERMS. 你的直线经理要求你准备一份有关国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS)的报告。
- In 1980, an Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report and found the temple in a poor state. 1980年,印度的一个专家小组为了准备一份修复报告,参观了这座庙宇,发现它已经是破败不堪了。
- Prepare a report summarizing the key findings of the review including recommendations for the CCM to consider. 起草一个报告,总结所做回顾的重要发现,包括提出供CCM考虑的建议。
- You will be required to assist Mrs Smith in preparing a report. 你将要协助史密斯夫人准备一份报告。
- Competent Officials shall prepare a report on the examination to the National Biodiversity Authority. 主管官员应当为国家生物多样性管理局准备一份审查报告。
- In 1980 an Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report and found the temple in a poor state. 1980年一队印度人为准备一份报告而参观了这个寺庙,发现这个寺庙已经破烂不堪了。
- They prepared a report for submission to the council. 他们准备了一份报告要提交给理事会。
- Our headmaster is preparing a report for radio broadcast. 我们校长正在给电台广播准备一篇讲稿。
- You will be required to assist Mr. Smith in preparing a report. 你将要协助史密斯先生准备一份报告。
- You will be required to assist Mrs. Smith in preparing a report. 你将要协助史密斯夫人准备一份报告。
- The investigating officers prepare a report, which is sent to the Legal Department to determine whether or not a prima facie case can be established. 调查人员做妥报告后,即送交律政处,以决定表面证据是否成立。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
- I won't prepare a speech: I'll talk off the cuff. 我不准备发言稿,我将即兴发言。
- We will prepare a report after the conclusion of the consultation period at the end of March and submit it for consideration by the Government of the next term. 我们会在三月底谘询期完结后拟备报告书,提交下届政府参考。
- After the conclusion of the consultation period, we will prepare a report and submit our proposals for consideration by the Government of the next term. 在谘询期完结后,我们会尽快完成报告,并将建议提交下一届政府考虑。
- It is a report on the international situation. 这是一篇有关国际形势的报告。
- The accountant prepare a balance sheet for the first half-year. 会计已准备好上半年的资产负债表。
- He submitted a report to his boss. 他向老板提交了一份报告。
- Can I remind you to write a report? 我可以提醒你写一份报告吗?
- A US Marine Corps sergeant who was asked to prepare a report on the performance of his equipment in Iraq said of the 5.56 mm: "The round is too fast, too small and too stabilised. 一名美国海军陆战队的士官在伊拉克被要求提供武器性能报告时对5.;56毫米弹药说道:“子弹太快,太小,也太稳。