- Nagase Lower your altitude. Prepare for emergency landing. 先放低高度。准备紧急降落。
- This is Somtaaw Fleet Command to all ships Prepare for emergency hyperspace. 舰队指挥官:这里是萨姆塔舰队指挥官。所有舰只请注意,准备进行紧急超太空跳越。
- Don't you prepare for emergencies? Get tools. Get skills. 你防患于未然了吗?掌握工具,掌握技巧。
- Has an open hour for emergency cases. 有一个小时空闲处理紧急事件
- They made a fire to prepare for supper. 他们生火做晚饭。
- Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. [谚]抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。
- Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city. 为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达。
- The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam. 老师劝他的学生准备考试。
- Holidays for emergency workers have been cancelled. 紧急援救人员的假期被取消。
- Demand for emergency ambulance services kept rising in the year. 年内,市民对紧急救护车服务的需求不断增加。
- Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. 抱乐观的希望,作最坏的准备。
- With an orange alert, the second highest warning, the NMC warned vessels to take shelter in ports and urged local authorities to prepare for emergencies in the upcoming strong wind and rain storms. 橙色警报是预警系统的第二级警报,国家气象中心警告船只应在港口中停靠以获取安全,并敦促当地政府做好防范暴风和强降雨的准备。
- Experience is their preparation for giving advice. 经验为她们进行咨询作了准备。
- Please page the surgical resident for emergency room. 请叫外科住院医师到急诊室来。
- I have to lay by a little money for emergencies. 我得存一点钱应急。
- I've been out of circulation in order to prepare for the TOEFL. 为了准备托福考试,我已经不从事社交活动。
- She rolled up her sleeves and began to prepare for supper. 她卷起袖子开始准备晚餐。
- The government of Sudan has appealed for emergency food aid. 苏丹政府呼吁紧急食品援助。
- Be prepared for anything to happen. 准备好对付任何可能发生的事件。
- I am fully prepared for emergencies and will follow up on any incidents to make sure our MTR staff abd eqyuonebt are safe. 随时做好准备以应付突发事件及作出跟进,确保地铁员工及设备的安全。