- I have no quarrel against my present position. 我对目前的职位毫无怨言。
- Mark the present position in the stream. 在流中标记目前位置。
- Cleared from present position direct to BH. 允许从现在位置直飞BH。
- Orbit right(left) from your present position. 从现在位置右(左)转绕圈。
- What salary do you get at your present position? 在你目前的职位上你的薪资是多少?
- Left turn from your present position, taxi to north for runway 21. 从现在位置左转,向北滑行,使用21号跑道。
- What's the reason why you are resigning the present position? 你辞掉现职的原因是什么?
- How do you evaluate the budget in your present position? 您如何评价自己当前工作岗位的预算情况?
- How long is the termination period of your present position? 您现在的劳动合同什么时候结束?
- Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position. 感谢你给我写信并让我解释目前的处境。
- In the company's present position,they cannot afford to offer higher wages. 在公司目前的境况下,我们不可能出更高的工资。
- His present position makes him keep certain distance from the neighbours. 他的现任职务使他与邻居的关系保持着一定的距离。
- The present position of the house coincides with that of an earlier dwelling. 这栋房子现在的位置恰与原住宅的位置一致。
- With no news from the explorers we can only surmise their present position. 我们没有探险者的消息,只能猜测他们现在所处的位置。
- His present position lets him stay at one remove from the neighbours. 他的现任职务使他与邻居的关系保持着一定的距离。
- By sheer ability and force of character he has acquired the present position. 他获得目前的职位全凭他的才能和坚毅的性格。
- Your offer does not tempt me at all; nothing can tempt me to leave my present position. 你的建议一点也打动不了我的心,什么东西都不能诱使我离开现在的职位。
- He addressed himself to me that he would no longer remain in his present position. 他对我说他将辞去现职。
- Waves of anger at the unfair treatment that had brought him to his present position swept over him. 把他拖入目前处境的这种不公平待遇,使他非常愤怒。
- The only reason why I am leaving my present position is because of the desire to improve myself. 我离开现有职位的唯一原因是想使自己有所提高。