- We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. 时间就是能力等待发展的地盘。一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。
- In the present state of things a man abandoned to himself in the midst of other men from birth would be the most disfigured of all. 现在的所有事情当中,最损坏个人外形的是他完全陷入于他人的一生。
- The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on. 目前的情况不得再继续下去了。
- What is the present state of the Taiwan question? 台湾问题的现状如何?
- He leisurely took a survey of the state of things. 他从容地打量了一下四周。
- About the present state of the US economy. 目前美国的经济状况有许多不定的因素。
- The present state of affairs is quite heartening. 目前的形势令人鼓舞。
- The Major surveyed the state of things with a sigh. 少校衡量当时的情况,叹了口气。
- We should keep abreast with the present state of science. 我们应当赶上现代科学的发展。
- This state of things is naturally embittering. 这种情况当然令人生气。
- This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect. 事态呈现出可喜的前景。
- We should keep up with the present state of science. 我们应该与现代科学并驾齐驱。
- The state of things, indoors and out, was briefly like this. 屋里屋外的情形大致是这样的。
- They decided to take stock of the present state of affairs. 他们决定对现状作一番估计。
- A great danger lurks in the present state of resistance. (六)今天的抗战,中间包含着极大的危险性。
- In this state of things,you ought to proceed with great caution. 在这种情况下,你应该十分谨慎行事。
- The present state of division is contrary to our national will. 分裂状况是违背民族意志的。
- The report has relation to a state of things now past. 这个报告是关于现在已经过去的事件的。
- In this state of things, you ought to proceed with great caution. 在这种情况下,你应该十分谨慎行事。
- To preserve this class is to preserve the existing state of things in Germany. 保存这个小资产阶级,就是保存德国的现存制度。