- presenting social disease 写病态
- Social diseases are on the increase in Hong Kong. 香港的性病往了断增多。
- In today's cartoon Pat Oliphant's skill at presenting social comedy is on vivid display. 在今天的漫画中,漫画家帕特-奥列芬特表现社会幽默的技能生动地展示出来。
- The average social disease financial burden is as follows: 4 735.55 yuan in ITP; 6 471.91 yuan in NTP; and 10 919.96 yuan in CTT. 例均社会疾病经济负担 :ITP为 4735 5 5元 ,NTP为 6 471 91元 ,CTT为 10 919 96元。
- The basic cause for their poverty is the unfairness of the present social system. 农民贫困的根本原因是制度的不公平。
- Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever, but for a long time it was broadly considered a sin, or a social disease. 孤注一掷已经永远地是美国生活的一个通常的特征,但是有很长的一段时间它被宽广地考虑罪,或一种社会的。
- This article proves that the that doubts in love and problems in love practice in the present social life are associated with stagnate theories. 当前社会生活中关于爱情在观念与实践层面广泛存在着种种疑问 ,本文对此论证了这些现象与我们相关理论的滞后具有某种一致性。
- Corruption, like an anti-social virus, pervades the world in different forms and developing countries often view this problem as an incurable social disease. 贪污就如病毒,以各种不同形态充斥世界每个角落,扰乱社会秩序,并往往被发展中国家视为无药可治的社会恶疾。
- The author implies that a major element of the satirist's art is the satirist's refusal toindulge in polemic when presenting social mores to readers for their scrutiny. 由此可知,作者暗示:讽刺家艺术的主要因素在于讽刺家在向读者提出社会道德问题让读者仔细思考的同时,拒绝沉湎于对道德问题的论战。
- The mass incident is one of the present social contradictions in our country,and it's an exclusive reflect of social disharmony. 群体性事件是当前我国的社会矛盾之一,是社会不和谐的特有反映。
- I am victim of that most insidious social diseases: shoppers' malaise. 我患上了严重的社会病--购物者不安症。
- I am victim of that most insidious social diseases: shoppers'malaise. 我患上了严重的社会病--购物者不安症。
- To be more specific, for all Western Medias know, there are profound historic reason and East culture background behind China's present social and politic system. 往更深层次分析,西方媒体并不了解,中国之所以形成现在的社会政治制度。有着非常深的历史成因和东方文化背景。
- Doctors deal with physical diseases. Then, who can deal with social diseases? 医生解决身体毛病,那么,谁能解决社会毛病?
- Under the present social circumstances, the future trend of the supply of public goods should be building a diversified open system dominated by the government. 在当今社会背景下,公共产品的未来供给趋势应该是以政府为主导,建立多元化的开放主体体系。
- As a rep of the Malaysian Voters Union, you have put shame to our countries voters because your overweighted views simply do not reflect the present social reality. 身为马来西亚选民联盟的代表,你让我国选民蒙羞,因为你的偏颇观点并没有反映当前的社会现实。
- Poverty is a social disease. 贫困是社会的弊病。
- Prejudice is a social disease. 偏见是一种社会弊病。
- I hope that no one present will suspect me of offering my personal criticism of the Western system to present socialism as an alternative. 但愿在座的各位不要怀疑我对西方体制提出个人批评的动机,这断不是为了让社会主义取而代之。
- The structure of present social productivity is a huge system, which is full of the science and technology (S&T).Today, S&T has developed to the determinant force of economic and social development. 现代社会生产力的构成是一个全面渗透科学技术的巨大体系,科学技术发展到今天,已经成为当代经济社会发展的决定性力量。