- Like Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan will all hold presidential polls next year. 和俄罗斯一样,格鲁吉亚,亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆都将在明年举行总统竞选。
- Taiwan too will hold presidential polls in 2012 in which China-sceptic politicians will fight to regain power. 台湾也会在2012年进行总统大选,对中国持怀疑态度的政客肯定会争取重掌大权。
- DPP leaders may be politicking ahead of parliamentary elections in December, and presidential polls next March. 民进党领导人也许在为12月的“议会选举”和明年3月的“总统投票”造势。
- But an external threat cannot justify the crass debauchery of the presidential poll. 但是外部的威胁不能为总统大选的极端堕落辩护。
- The Election Commission in Afghanistan says President Karzai now has 54% of the votes in the presidential poll. 阿富汗选举委员会称,现任总统卡尔扎伊现在在总统选举中获得了54%25的选票。
- Nigeria's Transitional Monitoring Group dispatched thousands of election observers around the country to watch the presidential poll. 尼日利亚的选举监督组在全国排除了数以千计的观察员以监督总统选举投票。
- The opposition of MDC wants the court to force the release of the result in presidential poll, saying the outcome has been known for a week. 反对党要求法院推动总统选举的结果发布,宣称该结果已于上周揭晓。
- BBC News with Gano Howards.The Election Commission in Afghanistan says President Karzai now has 54% of the votes in the presidential poll. 阿富汗选举委员会称,现任总统卡尔扎伊在总统选举中已经获得了54%25的选票。
- For his part, Mr Seck is probably trying to weigh up his options with a view to maximizing his chances in the next presidential poll. 而对塞克先生来说,为了最大限度的在下届选举中有所斩获,他可能正在权衡利弊以做出选择。
- Those who were hoping that last week's presidential poll would unseat President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have been left stunned by his re-election. One exile said it was a "stolen victory". 那些曾经希望上周的总统选举将导致总统艾哈迈迪内贾德下台的人对他继续连任感到震惊。一个流亡者说,这是一个“偷来的胜利”。
- For the presidential poll the list was improved somewhat, and the Constitutional Court helped by ruling that unregistered voters could cast ballots if they produced their identity cards. 总统选举中,投票名单在某种程度上改进了,宪法法庭规定未注册选民可以投不记名票只要他们办理身份证件。
- In March hundreds more, mostly civilians, were killed when fighting erupted between government forces and men loyal to Jean-Pierre Bemba, a former rebel who came second in the presidential poll. 三月,又有数百人被杀害,大多数受害人都是平民。
- The party is trailing badly in the opinion polls. 该党在民意测验中大大失利。
- He's being talked up as presidential timber. 人们说他具有当总统的气质。
- Polls showed a switch to Labour. 民意测验表明形势转而对工党有利。
- He was elected presidential candidate. 他被选为总统候选人。
- He polls only123 votes in the general election. 在大选中他仅获得123张选票。
- Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide. 民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可能。
- Next year is a presidential year. 明年是总统选举年。
- The presidential campaign was in full swing. 总统竞选运动正在全力进行中。