- Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied. 有关方面极力否认新闻界最近的报道。
- I had to give a speech to the press club. 我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 这是我们不应忽视的一个因素。
- They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。
- Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。
- Can you press my suit before I go out tomorrow? 你能在我明天出门前把我的衣服烫一烫吗?
- The press has given the show a tremendous build-up. 新闻界为这一演出大造声势。
- The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition. 该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。
- The Press were not allowed to attend the trial. 新闻界人士不得出庭旁听。
- The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference. 新闻发布会上那位发言人遭到了连珠炮般的发问。
- His experience in social work is a plus factor. 他在社会福利工作方面的经验是一个有利因素。
- The affair was dramatized by the press. 新闻界把事情夸大了。
- The press is a sentinel of our liberty. 新闻界是捍卫我们自由的卫兵。
- Press this button in case of fire. 遇火灾时按下此钮。
- You will see him at the press conference. 你会在记者招待会上见到他的。
- If we press ahead, we can get home before dark. 如果我们加紧赶路,天黑前可以到家。
- The deciding factor; the deciding vote. 决定性的因素; 决定性的一票
- Flatten the dough with a press of the hand. 用手把生面团压平。
- The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。