- pressure transmitter bracket 压力传感器固定架
- The principle of capacitance pressure transmitter is shown in the figure. 图中为电容式压力变送器的原理结构图。
- Low-pressure side on the AP absolute pressure transmitter has always remained a reference pressure. AP绝压变送器,低压侧始终保持一个参考压力。
- Attach pressure transmitter to transfer pressure signal of jack pump to remote monitoring system. 配有压力传感器,可将顶轴油压力信号送至远方监视系统。
- Besides, there is also some alternatives, such as an inductance conversion using differential transformer and space curve deformeter, and variable resistance pressure transmitter. 除此之外还有利用差动变压器和扰曲线应变计的电感变换方式,以及变电阻式压力变送器。
- The intelligent pressure transmitter Digitrans allows by its freely programmable range an optimised adaption to the measuring task. Digitrans智能压力变送器能随意编程以适应测量任务。
- The performance and operation principle of 3051C smart pressure transmitter and its site application and maintenance are introduced. 介绍了3051C智能型压力变送器的工作性能、基本工作原理以及在实际操作中的应用和维修。
- The consequence of releasing hazardous material from a tubing failure may warrant the selection of a different type of pressure transmitter. 可以根据因管道损坏而导致有危害物质的泄漏情况选择另一种压力传感器。
- The differential pressure transmitter is equipped with amputator and blow back plug, in order to maintain and clean dust in transmitter pipe. 差压变送器设有切断阀组和反吹甩头,便于检修和清理变送器接管内的粉尘。
- The CEMS make up of the SO2/O2/NOX meter,the dust meter,the flow meter,the pressure transmitter,hygro-scope/temperature transmitter and the data acquisition system(DAS). CEMS系统由SO2/O2/NOX分析仪、烟尘仪、流量计、压力变送器、湿度/湿度计及数据处理单元(DAS)等部分组成。
- Independent pressure gauges shall be provided on process lines near a blind pressure transmitter or controller unless specifically deleted by the OWNER. 没有压力显示的压力变送器或控制器旁边应当有独立的压力表,除非业主指定删除。
- The principal products include photoelectric speed sensor, magnetoelectric speed sensor, pressure transmitter, current sensor, voltage sensor, and power measuring device. 同时从事一般工业用传感器件、电子控制装置、计算机软件、系统集成等产品的研发、生产、销售与服务。
- HART field-bus protocol is used in output of system pressure or differential pressure transmitter, digital signals is transmitted with MODBUS via RS485. 系统压力或差压变送器信号输出采用HART现场总线协议,数字信号传输通过RS485进行MODBUS通讯。
- The work principle of HTG is that medium quality in oil tank is measured with the method that static pressure of bottom of oil tank is measured with pressure or differential pressure transmitter. 静压法储罐计量系统(HTG)的原理就是用压力或差压变送器测量油品介质作用在罐底部静压的方法来测量储罐内介质质量。
- The PG Series pressure transmitter is mounted in-line to provide a highly-visible indication of sanitary process conditions found in the food processing, dairy, beverage, and waste water industries. 就地压力变送器系列是同轴安装,从而可以明显指示食品加工,奶制品,饮料以及废水处理工厂的卫生情况。
- Optional accessories: differential pressure manometers; indicator (gauge),pressure transmitters, level transmitters; and automatic purge drains. 选配辅助组件:压差器;显示器(压力计),压力传感器,液位传感器;和自动排放系统。
- For differential pressure transmitters, linearization shall be performed in the transmitter unless otherwise recommended by the control system manufacturer. 对于差压变送器,线性化应在变送器内部完成,除非另有控制系统制造商的推荐。
- Indicating pressure transmitters shall be used in preference over pressure gauges except for pump discharge. 带指示的压力变送器除了泵出口应优先于现场压力表被使用。
- The turbine backpressure is measured by the pressure transmitters IND25.GCW.00 PT400 on the main steam duct. 汽机背压由主蒸汽管道上的压力变送器IND25.;GCW