- The critical temperature and critical pressure of 1-hexene, the meniscus-disappearing temperature and meniscus-disappearing pressure of 1-bromopropane were measured with an open tube method. 用开管法测定了1-己烯的临界温度和临界压力,测定了1-溴丙烷的界面消失温度和压力。
- The active constituents in the stems and leaves of ten Caragana plants collected in Northwest China were systematically pre-tested by round filter paper chromatography and test tube method. 摘要利用圆形滤纸层析法和试管法,对采自中国西北地区锦鸡儿属10种植物茎部和时部的有效成分类型进行了系统预试。
- The concentrated sodium hydroxide is filtered through a pressure filter. 浓缩过的氢氧化纳通过压滤机过滤。
- Melted tin could be vacuumed into filter tube through special design nozzle and heater tube. 吸锡咀及发热管经特别设计,熔锡状态亦能被吸进过滤器。
- The application of fast and high efficiency operating pressure filter in Huainan Coal Mining Group Corporation Ltd. 快速高效隔膜压滤机在淮南矿业集团的应用。
- The structure, features, operating principles and process control of pressure filter are introduced. 介绍了压力过滤器的结构、特点、工作原理、过程控制等。
- The sound absorption coefficient of the material was tested by standing wave tube method. 采用驻波管法测试材料的吸声系数。
- Conclusion Different anticoagulants can affect the results of slide method and test tube method coagulase tests. 结论不同抗凝剂可影响玻片法、试管法血浆凝固酶试验的结果。
- Expounds characteritir of PGJ. 3-60/3 pressure filter. introduces the experience and improvement of pressure filter in Zhenchengdi preperation plant. 阐述了PGJ.3-60/3型加压过滤机的特点,介绍了该设备在镇城底矿选煤厂的使用经验和技术改进。
- After being analyzed with FEM, impedance tube method was introduced to measure sound transmission loss(STL) of glass. 在有限元分析基础上,采用了驻波管法对小样品玻璃进行隔声量测量。
- Being aim at pressure filter of TZJ96-3 type and GPJ96Z/3-C type,feed gate and proximity swith of collecting and controling its signal to be in position occurs as defect. 针对TZJ96-3和GPJ96Z/3-C型号的加压过滤机,排料闸板与采集并控制其开关到位信号的接近开关,在安装方式上存在设计缺陷。
- In test tube method, the positive rate of coagulase tests was 97.06% with both sodium citrate and EDTA-K2 as plasma anticoagulant. 试管法试验:EDTA-K2抗凝人血浆与枸橼酸钠抗凝人血浆凝固酶阳性率均为97.;06%25;
- This article introduces the problems existed in floatioom system of Qitaihe Coal Preparation Plant, and the precess result of using XMGZ clean coal pressure filter. 介绍了七台河精煤集团公司新建分公司选煤厂浮选系统中存在的问题及应用XMGZ型精煤压滤机后的工艺效果。
- Method:Forward and reverse blood types were detected by POSEIDON digital blood typing instrument ,U-type microplate and glass tube method and compared. 方法:使用POSEI-DON数字血型仪、U型板法和试管法进行血型正反血型判定比较。
- Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time (PT) and thrombin time (TT) were evaluated by test tube method in rabbit. 采用试管法测定新西兰兔活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT),凝血酶辱、时间(PT)和凝血酶时间(PT)。
- The coil tube method can be well used to resolve this problem and the handled ink powder has the regular shape and good liquidity. 盘管处理方法能够很好的解决这个问题,处理后的墨粉具有规则外形和良好的流动性。
- CO2 concentration in different depth of the soil was studied using CO2 test tube method for one year in Luota,west Hunan province. 采用CO2气体检测管法对湘西洛塔旱地不同深度土壤CO2浓度进行了一年的连续观测研究。
- It has many designs such the PP wire-wound cotton core type, filter tube type, star-fruit type, filter paper type, etc, which is optional to customers according to the actual needs. 有PP棉绕线滤芯式、滤管式、杨桃式和滤纸式几种,客户可根据实际情况选择。
- The analysis of feasibility and effect of disposing flotation tailings with pressure filter has been introduced,and it is without precedent in using this technology to dispose the flotation tailings. 论述了加压过滤机处理浮选尾煤的可行性及效果分析,开创了国内外采用该技术处理浮选尾的先例。
- Test tube method was used to measure the resistance of 5 strains of Staphylococcus aureus to several chemical disinfectants and heat. 本试验采用试管法测定了5株金黄色葡萄球菌对几种化学消毒剂的抗力和热抗力。