- An Application of the Pressure Type Thermometer 压力式温度计应用实例
- electric point pressure type thermometer 电接点压力式温度计
- pressure type thermometer 压力式温度计
- This hydraulic pressure type punch worksvery smoothly and safely, at high speed toensure good-aual-ity product. 本机为液压式冲床,工作过程非常平稳,安全性极高。且速度快,产品质量好。
- This hydraulic pressure type punch works very smoothly and safely,at high speed to ensure good-quality product. 本机为液压式冲床;工作过程非常平稳;安全性极高;且速度快;产品质量好.
- For continuous pressure application, specify Watts Series 800 pressure type vacuum breakers. 对于持续压力应用,请指定美国瓦茨800系列压力型真空断路阀。
- Restistance type thermometers of this construction are used as universal thermometers, preferrably in processes wih liquid or gaseous media at low pressure. 这种结构的电阻型温度计特别适于用作低压生产液体和气体介质的常用温度计。
- Vertlcal Pressure Stemlzer is ele-ctllc-heating and automatic-controlls Pressure type. 立式压力蒸汽灭菌器为电加热、自动压力控制型。
- Can manufacture central pressure type, Pneumatic side compression type, High performance Differential Slip Shaft. 可组成中心气压式,气动侧压式,机械侧压式高性能滑差轴。
- YOSHITO T, MASANORI K.Dwelling pressure type deep sea bottom mud sample sampling equipment: Japan, 5142113 [P]. 19930608. 毛晶;迟森;黄丽敏;等.;高压水旋转射流解堵工艺技术在吉林油田的应用[J]
- solid-expansion type thermometer [化] 固体膨胀式温度计
- stainless steel stem dial type thermometer 不锈钢杆指针式温度计
- The application of positive pressure type explosion-proof principle in oil-drilling hazardous environment is introduced,which conforms to State standard GB3836. 在符合GB3836国家标准的基础上,介绍了正压型防爆原理在石油钻采危险环境中的应用。
- It is also suited for other continuous or intermittent pressure type installations where water distribution piping flows to potentially contaminated containers, equipment or sinks. 还适用于其他水的分流管线可能流向存在潜在污染容器、设备或洗涤槽的连续或间歇性压力类型安装。
- Octennial going all out of enterprise tempers the have moved towards the first-rate pressure type technology , unceasingly be innovative , develop , late-model crystal product with fire. 企业八年的拼搏炼就了一流的压型技术,不断创新、开发、新型水晶产品。
- Volcanic rocks in Chabaoma formation should be belonged to high pressure type trachyt,formed by the magma beneath thickened crust, the exact extrusive era could be mid-late period of Miocene. 查保马组火山岩应属于在陆壳增厚的背景下,加厚陆壳底部产生的粗面岩岩浆上涌形成的粗面岩,时代应为中新世中晚期。
- Objective:To understand and compare the inactivation effect on ascaris suum eggs in urine directing toilets and methane tanks with two-pipe hydraulic pressure type and automatic residue extraction. 目的:了解粪尿分集式厕所及水压式双管道自动排渣沼气池两种生态卫生厕所对猪蛔卵的灭活效果并进行比较。
- It is the only patented product dispensing system that has no spring or sealed pressure type system, and thus never needs to be "re-cocked" or "re-wound" for refilling, Turnout says. 它是唯一的专利产品的配药制度,没有春天或密封压力式系统,因此没有需要“重新竖起”或“再伤”的加气站,投票说。
- The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure. 啤酒受到压力从桶中流出。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。