- pressure two products 有压两产品
- Sales analyses show these two products are still vying neck and neck to corner the market. 销售分析表明,这两种产品在竞争垄断市场方面仍然不分高低。
- The company flagship product, a series of two products: the manual pressure and the withholding of series closure device Pipeline Series. 公司主打产品以两大系列产品为主:手动压扣机系列和管道卡箍系列。
- There are qualitative differences between the two products. 这两种产品存在着质的差别。
- These two products are from opposite ends of the price range. 这两种产品一种是价格最高的,一种是价格最低的。
- To the untrained eye, the two products look remarkably similar. 这两种产品在没有受过专门训练的人看来几乎一模一样。
- They are the same two products implying the purchase of each other. 它们是两个相同的产品,暗含着互相购买。
- The two products are characterized by IR, MS and elements analysis. 产物由IR、MS和元素分析鉴定了其结构。
- The two products are similar in the way they are processed. 这两种产品在加工方法上相似。
- The discordance between these two products bothered the boss. 词性变化 word-activity...discordance n. 不一致,不调和;...
- Decreases in barometric pressure two to three days before the visit also appeared to trigger headaches, but to a lesser extent. 就诊前两到三天气压的降低也会成为诱发偏头痛的因素,但是影响程度较低。
- But most manage to sell, on average, less than two products to each client. 但平均算来,大部分银行只成功地向一个顾客销售了不到两种产品。
- The FOR. RETURN loop structure retrieves the first two product features. FOR.;RETURN循环结构用于检索前两个产品功能。
- The use of these two products together greatly simplifies crop raising for farmers in many countries. 玉米、棉花和大豆都曾被转基因成为抗草甘磷(roundup Ready)作物。
- The Company markets two products, Waves and Ocean, which assist companies in creating an Internet presence. 两公司的产品市场,以及海洋波浪,协助创造一个互联网公司的存在。
- There are two products the same Thiabendazole content is the content of drinking water standards 98 times. 有两种相同的产品中噻菌灵的含量是可饮用水含量标准的98倍。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。
- Abstract: Two production processes used to manufacture ECH and its marketing... 环氧氯丙烷(ECH)别名表氯醇;...进口货源主要来自俄罗斯、日本、美国、韩国等。...
- Asymmetric synthesis: Chemical reaction by which unequal amounts of two product isomers are formed. 不对称合成法:在化合物中形成两种不等数量的同分异构体的化学反应。
- A solution is to cross-sell ads for the two products on those pages to make sure that every buyer knows both products are carried by the store. 解决方法是为两个产品在那些页面上做交叉销售广告,使每个购买者都知道商店提供两个产品。