- In order to resist the buoyancy more than60 prestressed anchor bars are used to connect the baseplate. 为抵抗地下水的浮力,采用60多根预应力锚杆与底板相连接。
- In order to resist the buoyancy more than60 prestressed anchor bars are used to connect the baseplate . 为抵抗地下水的浮力,采用60多根预应力锚杆与底板相连接。
- It is very difficult to construct prestress anchored bar in the area near sea that contains many highly confined aquifers. 介绍了锚杆的构造、作用机理、施工工艺以及决定锚杆施工质量的关键技术。
- Prestressed Anchor Bar Applied to Deep Foundation Pit Excavation Support with Complicated Shape 预应力长锚杆在形状复杂的深基坑支护中的应用
- Deformation Analysis of New Cement-Soil Retaining Wall with Vertical Prestressed Anchor Bar and its Application to Foundation Excavation Support Structure 新型围护结构垂直预应力锚杆式水泥土挡墙变形分析及应用
- prestressed anchor bar 预应力锚杆
- Local Optimal Design Strategies for Grillage Supporting Structure with Prestressed Anchor Bars 框架预应力锚杆支挡结构的分部优化设计策略
- Planting bar technology belongs to a new anchor bar technology. 植筋技术属于新型的钢筋锚固技术 .
- Compound structure of RC lattice frame beam and prestressed anchor is a new method for preventing and remedying landslide. 格构梁与预应力锚索复合结构是近年来在滑坡预防、边坡治理中推广的新型结构措施。
- The prestressed anchor cable is widely used in slope stabilizing, the prestressed anchor ergometer is the most widely used apparatus for anchor cable prestress monitoring. 本文对预应力锚索测力计的安装情况进行分析,将锚索千斤顶张拉施工与测力计监测成果进行对比,为评价预应力锚索施工质量及测力计监测成果分析提供参考。
- Friction forces of earth acting on the anchor bar of bridge dais were measured for 20 hours on the spot. 本文对锚拉桥台的锚拉杆进行了长达20小时的现场监测试验。
- The article introduces the design and construction of a landslide with prestressed anchor according to the harness of Tongjianggou landslide in Jiuzhai Loop. 以九寨环线铜匠沟滑坡治理的工程实际,介绍了预应力锚索治理滑坡的设计与施工。
- Because of the existence of the anchor bars, prestress, and surcharge in grillage supporting structure, the stress state within the slope is made very complicated. 摘要在框架预应力锚杆支护边坡工程中,由于锚杆、预应力及堆载的存在,使得边坡应力状态复杂。
- Based on the results ahead,some problems about anchorage design are discussed in order to provide some consult for the design and construction of prestressed anchor. 根据本文的研究成果,对锚固设计中的一些问题进行了探讨,以资为工程设计和实践起到一定的参考作用。 探讨主要集中在锚固体的设计上面:锚固体系的选择;
- Deficiency in anchor bar is very dangerous .It may bring inestimable loss.To avoid this, a reliable testing way is needed. 用于岩土加固的锚杆如果存在的内部缺陷,往往具有很大的危险性,造成巨大的经济损失。
- In view of the support effect of prestressed anchor and frame beam, the support of frame beam and prestressed anchor is widely applied to the reinforcement of slope. 摘要预应力锚索与混凝上框架梁的复合结构能够充分发挥锚索和框架梁的锚固作用,广泛应用于边坡加固中。
- On the other hand, the suitable reinforced method is selected in comparison with various reinforcement schemes such as injection root pile, nonskid pile, anchor bar and so on. 并经旋喷树根桩、防滑灌注桩、锚杆等方案比较作出了加固方法的选择;
- Owing to complicated and adverse geological conditions,the frame girder of reinforced concrete anchor bar was applied to reinforce the high slope of rebuilt access road. 紫坪铺公路改建工程高边坡地质情况复杂恶劣,采取了钢筋混凝土锚杆框架梁对坡体进行锚固。
- Prestressed anchor cable sash is a new form of support structure with the large-scale application of prestressed cable technology in the landslide governance and slope reinforcement project. 预应力锚索框架是随着预应力锚索技术在滑坡治理和边坡加固工程中大量应用而发展起来的一种新型支挡结构形式。