- presumption of legitimacy 合法性的推定
- The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy. 版权和隐私问题同样可获得无罪的推定。
- First, the law lacks a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. 首先,法律缺乏在证明有罪前的无罪假定;
- And then they have made it over; a presumption of which neither time nor revolutions at least have been guilty. 再则,花样翻新,经常一改再改,这至少是时间和革命所未曾有过的奢望。
- Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant's fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof. 事实自证制度通常并不涉及对被告过错的推定,也不必定导致举证责任的倒置。
- It means that the accused will lose in lawsuit if he cannot prove the related elements, which obviously disobeys the presumption of innocence. 这就意味着被告人一旦证明不能,就要承担败诉风险,这显然与无罪推定原则相悖。
- This entry in the Legal Theory Lexicon theory will examine the concept of legitimacy from various angles. 法理词典的这个条目将从多个角度检视“正当性”这个概念。
- We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence. 我们必须承认,大量无可辩驳的详尽的证据远远压倒了关于清白的假设。
- The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases. 法律推定利益的丧失或损害,是构成“违反之诉”的最基本概念,义务的违反构成了利益的丧失或损害的初步证据。
- Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence until they are proved to be guilty. 在被证明有罪以前,每一个人都应被假定无辜。
- In a few recent cases, the Court has demonstrated that the presumption of reviewability can at times be overcome. 在若干最近的案子里,最高法院均证实,可复审性的假设有时是能够克服的。
- Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance. (任何明示性交际行为都意味着本交际行为所传递的假设具有最佳关联性。)
- Develops use cases that focus on service functionality with no presumption of a user interface. 开发人员使用没有假定使用者接口的服务功能性案例。
- A series of speeches by Fed officials this week did little to dispel the presumption of lower rates. 本周,一系列联储会的官员的讲话也没有打消降息的假设。
- The presumption of administrative authority has become an important factor of the ultra vires and abuse. 摘要行政权推定行使,已成为行政权越权、滥用的基本口实。
- To or not to affirm the principle of presumption of innocence reflects different views on judicial justice. 确立无罪推定原则与否反映不同的司法公正观念。
- This led us to presumption of the correct diagnosis, which was confirmed postnatally. 这让我们得出了正确的诊断,并在产后得到证实。
- Here's a question I have to you, to Mayor Bailey, and everyone else. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence? 我有一个问题给你,给贝利市长和所有人。无罪推定去哪里了?
- The presumption of state control under the rubric of “African socialism” (an illusory third way) has been junked. 以“非洲社会主义”为红色标题的国家管控假想已经卡壳了,那只是幻想中的第三种路线。
- For medical fault ,the objectiveness of fault and the presumption of fault should be applied . 应设立合理的医疗过错的认定标准,对于医疗过错实行过错客观化和过错推定。