- pretightening force rack 预应力框架
- The pretightening force of bolt is the important norm for insuring the connection reliability. 螺栓预紧力是衡量联接可靠性的重要指标,目前普遍采用力矩法和转角法上紧螺栓。
- Onto a detecting element, the media will generate a force in balance with the pretightening force of the preset spring (3). 在检测元件上产生一个作用力与预设弹簧(3)预紧力相平衡.
- It is pointed out that inferior bolt and big dismounting pretightening force are the main reason to result in bolt fracture.The improvement measures are set forth. 指出螺栓质量不良和拆装预紧力大是螺栓断裂的主要原因,同时提出了改进意见及措施。
- There are two forms of axial pretightening force calculating formula for cone safety clutch in different design handbooks and resulted in the confusion to many designers. 圆锥安全离合器轴向预紧力计算公式在不同设计手册中有两种不同的形式,使设计者无所适从。
- According to the analysis of the table lookup, the graph method and the simulating formula method of selecting bolt diameter without controlling pretightening force under dead load were presented in this paper. 摘要通过对查表法资料进行分析,提出了静载时选择不控制预紧力的紧螺栓联接螺栓直径的图线法和模拟公式法。
- If the pretightening force was increased, girth welds to fix bolts were often ruptured.In this paper, finite element analysis is applied to finding the root causation of this problem.... 为了寻求引起主小车轨道压板螺栓焊缝开裂的原因,本文采用有限元分析技术进行辅助分析,得出螺栓焊缝开裂的原因。
- without controlling pretightening force 不控制预紧力
- Principium research and application on rockbolt supporting pretightening force 锚杆支护预紧力的初步研究及应用
- Numerical Analysis of Pretightening Force of Diesel Connecting Rod Bolts 柴油机连杆螺栓预紧力的数值分析
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。
- Selection of the Bolt Diameter Without Controlling Pretightening Force Under Dead Load 不控制预紧力的紧螺栓联接静载时螺栓直径的确定
- Research on Sensing Technology for Measuring the Pretightening Force of Ball-Head Tension Rod 球头拉杆预紧力测量传感器技术的研究
- I had to use force in opening the door. 我不得不用力开那一扇门。
- The invasion force was annihilated. 侵略军被消灭了。
- The importance of the pretightening force of winch steel rope during mine construction 矿井建井期间稳车钢丝绳预紧力的重要性
- When do the new safety rules come into force? 新的安全规则何时生效?