- Prices reflect both the value of a good to society and the cost to society of making the good. 价格既反映了一种物品的社会价值,也反映了生产该物品的社会成本。
- If prices reflect all information, then there is no gain from going to the trouble of gathering it, so no one will. 如果价格反映了所有信息,那么麻烦的收集信息就不会有任何收益,所以没有人会去。
- It would be natural to assume that ever increasing price reflects ever greater scarcity. 很自然地,有人把持续增长的油价归结为石油日渐严重的稀缺性。
- Yet, a vocal body of investors argues that the lofty prices reflect only the rosiest expectations, while ignoring some of the risks. 不过,有投资者团体认为,中国银行类股的高股价只反应了市场的乐观预期,却忽视了某些风险。
- Prof Lo believes that prices reflect not just information in the market place, but also deep-seated and slowly evolved human biases. 罗闻全相信,价格反映的不仅是市场信息,而且反映了根深蒂固、发展缓慢的人类偏见。
- In either case, the gross profit margin of golf equipment sales is affected as the higher selling price reflects only the material cost increase. 在以上两个情况下,提高售价亦只能反映物料价增长,因此高尔夫球器材销售的边际利润会受到影响。
- The rebound of oil price reflects many things: the weakening of US dollar, concerns of inflation, and the increase of investors' risk preference. 油价的反弹是诸多因素的反映:美元表现疲软,对通货膨胀的担心,以及投资者风险偏好的增加。
- Thus when looking at the ?15 box the consumers infer that the high price reflects high quality and they buy the chocolates. 因此,当看到每盒售价15欧元的巧克力时,消费者推断这个高价反映了高质量,然后就买下了巧克力。
- The rapidly rising land price reflects speculation that exaggerates demand and, hence, the profit expectation of property developers. 高企的土地价格反映了夸大需求的投机,以及,房地产发展商的利润期望。
- The event study is based on the supposal that the market is effective, that is to say, the stock price reflects all the known public information. 事件研究方法是基于有效市场假设的,即股票价格反映所有已知公共信息。
- Ms Lau noted that the new price reflected only a small portion of the freight rate differential be-tween shipping Australian and Brazilian ore to China. 她指出,新的价格只是部分反映了运往中国的澳大利亚铁矿石和巴西铁矿石在运费上的差异。
- In the meantime, the different real estate companies in the operation and performance to show a clear differentiation, and directly through the stock price reflected the trend. 在此期间,不同的房地产企业将在经营和业绩上表现出明显的差异化,并直接通过股价的走势得以体现。
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- She peered at the tag to read the price. 她细看标签以看清价格。
- Can you give me a price list with specification? 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?
- Analysts concluded that a cut in output had enabled Saudi Arabia to set a higher price reflected in a narrowing this week of the discount in its oil export price to the benchmark Brent crude price traded in London. 分析师推断,削减产量已使沙特有能力制定更高的价格,这一点已在如下事实中有所反映:本周沙特石油出口价对伦敦交易的基准布伦特原油价格之间的贴水正在缩小。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。
- You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty. 那样的忠心是不能用金钱来衡量的。