- I digress. My tale does not primarily concern itself with the hen. 我离题太远了,我所要讲的故事主要不是关于鸡。
- He is primarily concerned with his work, not his family. 他第一关心的是他的工作而不是他的家庭。
- Tests for evaluation of kerosine are primarily concerned with burning qualities. 评价煤油的检验标准主要是燃烧性能。
- Physicists were primarily concerned with expressing the experimental observations in a concise mathematical language. 物理学家主要还是致力于用简洁的数学语言来表达实验观测结果。
- It is not something I've considered a great deal,I'm afraid. I'm primarily concerned with the home market. 恐怕这事我考虑得不多。我主要关心国内市场。
- Moreover, the statutory scheme is primarily concerned with quite different problems of worker protection. 更有甚者,法令方案主要牵涉到完全不同的工人保护问题。
- Traianos isn't primarily concerned with money, after all, he turned down a good offer from Besiktas. 德拉斯并不是首要考虑钱的问题,毕竟,他回绝了一份来自贝西克塔斯的不错的报价。
- The book is primarily concerned with Soviet-American relations during the Cold War. 这部书主要讲的是冷战时期的苏美关系。
- Tests for evaluation of kerosene are primarily concerned with burning qualities. 评价煤油的检验标准主要是燃烧性能。
- The user is primarily concerned with the aspect of Human ecology which apparently makes more sense to him. 消费者主要是关注与其自身健康有直接影响的人类健康与生态方面。
- In any case, the general public is primarily concerned about adults seeking out prepubescent girls and boys. 不管怎样, 普通公众主要还是对专拈青春前期的女孩和男孩的成人感到焦虑。
- As a Real GSD enthusiast, the drives you will be primarily concerned with are: rank, prey, defense and pack. 真正的德牧迷,首先要关注的驱力包括:等级序列驱力(等级性),捕猎驱力(猎性),防御性驱力(护卫性)和集群驱力(集群性)。
- For example, an informational Web site may require particular attention to content, whereas the design of a chair is primarily concerned with form. 资讯网站可能格外关注内容,座椅的设计则首先考虑形式。
- A great deal of the efforts and activities supporting us are primarily concerned with collection and maintenance of datums. 配合我们的大量工作和活动主要涉及数据的收集和保存。
- Executive coaching is primarily concerned with confidential one-to-one discussions between the coach and the executive. It is aimed at performance improvement. 经理培训主要是指教练与经理之间一对一的非公开讨论,目的是提高业绩。
- The Telecommunications Research Laboratory in Bristol is primarily concerned with research into wireless communication systems and networks. 其位于英国布里斯托通信研究中心主要从事无线通讯系统及网络的研究。
- The author believes that scientific theory is primarily concerned with those commonly referred to as the development of patterning doctrine. 作者认为,理论科学主要涉及那些一般称为模式的学说的发展。
- What primarily concerns us about the interreligious ceremony in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. is the level of naivety in the West. 我们对于在华盛顿特区的国家大教堂举行的跨宗教仪式的最大忧虑,是西方天真的程度。
- Composition IV and subsequent paintings are primarily concerned with evoking a spiritual resonance in viewer and artist. 成分四和随后的画主要关注的唤起一种精神共振观众和艺术家。
- There are a number of generally accepted conventions for naming objects, primarily concerning the readability of programs. 有许多关于命名对象的约定俗成,这个将根本关系到程序的可读性。