- Combined Processing of GPS and Conventional Primary Control Network Observation Data for Super Bridge 特大型桥梁首级控制网GPS与常规观测数据的联合处理
- primary control network 初级测量控制网
- Control is the primary control for displaying text. 控件是用于显示文本的主要控件。
- How to Control Network Legal Users? 如何控制网络合法使用者?
- It's a set of automated rules that control network congestion. 这是一组控制网络拥挤程度的自动规则。
- Restoring control to primary controller. 恢复主控制器的控制。
- Greek hospitals. CICNet Cretan Infection Control Network[J ] . 文细毛;任南;徐秀华;等.;全国医院感染监控网医院感染病原
- Received command to return control to primary controller. 已收到恢复主控制器控制的命令。
- Better control network: tight monetary policy can deter market fluctuate? 网络时评:紧缩货币政策能否震慑楼市疯涨?
- The Application of AVR ATmega161 in Embedded Measure %26 Control Network. 161在嵌入式测控网络中的应用研究。
- Rate limiting is a traffic-policing tool used to control network congestion. 速率限制是一个用来控制网络拥塞的流量管制工具。
- Better control network : tight monetary policy can deter market fluctuate? 网络时评:紧缩货币政策能否震慑楼市疯涨?
- The work current and slag are the primary control factors and cooling waters is the subordinate control fartor. 文中认为:工作电流和渣量是主要的控制因素,冷却水量是次要因素。
- Aerodist is a useful equipment for secondary breakdown, but not for primary control. 航空微波测距仪是测定二等补充网的有效仪器,但不能用于一等控制网测量。
- Configuring Point-to-Point Protocol and Controlling Network Access. 配置点到点协议和控制网络访问。
- MAC protocols that are adopted in control network include CSMA/CD,Token Bus and master-slave MAC. 在控制网络中常用的媒体访问控制协议是:CSMA/CD、令牌总线和主从式媒体访问控制协议。
- The ECR use the on-blade flap driven by embedded electric actuator to fulfill the rotor primary control function,so the traditional swashplate can be omitted. 以此为基础,进行了悬停和前飞状态下的电控旋翼襟翼总距和周期变距操纵试验。
- The planet or sign that has primary control and influence over a particular thing; for example, Chiron is the ruler of marriage; Mars is the ruler of energy. 文中所限定的占星规则;比如凯龙星在此文中指的是婚姻;而火星在此文中指的是双方互动的能量.
- Before you can call PPP servers you must install a network protocol with the Control Network applet. 在呼叫PPP服务器之前,必须用控制网络小型应用程序安装一个网络通讯协议。
- Translation: Controls Network Address Translation and packet redirection. 转换:控制网络地址转换和数据包重定向。