- The primary ovarian follicles was found in the ovary cortices,on 110d. 110天胎龄时在卵巢中可看到一些初级卵泡。
- primary ovarian follicles 原卵泡
- The ovarian follicles are embedded in the stroma of the cortex. 卵巢皮质的基质中有许多卵泡。
- Most ovarian follicles undergo an involutional process called follicular atresia. 大多数卵泡都经过退化变为闭锁卵泡。
- The degeneration and resorption of one or more ovarian follicles before a state of maturity has been reached. 退化一个或多个卵子囊在达到成熟状态之前的退化或消失
- primary ovarian follicle 初级卵泡
- Porcine ovarian follicles were divided into healthy and atretic groups.Granulosa and thecal cells were isolated, and cultured with gonadotropin in the dual-chamber system. 方法:制备人胎盘羊膜双池培养系统,分离了猪卵巢颗粒细胞和卵泡膜细胞,并分为健康和闭锁两组,在促性腺激素刺激下协同培养。
- Growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF-9) gene is a growth factor secreted by oocytes in growthing ovarian follicles, which is essential for normal follicular development. 生长分化因子9(GDF-9)基因是由卵母细胞分泌的一种生长因子,它对早期卵泡的生长和分化起着重要的作用。
- By inhibiting proliferation of ovarian follicles, DMPA prevents ovulation and decreases circulating estrogen, which may be potentially harmful to cardiovascular health. DMPA抑制卵巢滤泡的形成,阻止排卵,并降低循环雌激素的浓度,这可能有害于心血管的健康。
- Ovarian malignant Brenner Tumors (MBT) and transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) are rare primary ovarian carcinomas. 卵巢恶性Brenner氏瘤(MBT)和移行细胞癌(TCC)是两类少见的卵巢原发癌.
- The results show that the expression of bFGF and Ets-1 primary ovarian carcinoma was involved in the bilological behavior. bF-GF和Ets-1的表达与原发性卵巢癌发生和转移有密切关系,检测bFGF和Ets-1的表达可作为了解卵巢癌生物学行为的参考指标。
- Objective To investigate the role of computer tomography (CT) in diagnosis and staging of primary ovarian cacinoma (POC). 摘要目的探讨CT对原发性卵巢癌的诊断及其分期的价值。
- Morphologically insular growth pattern.DDx include carcinoid tumor and metastatic adenocarcinoma before considering other primary ovarian tumors. 形态学表现为岛状的生长方式,鉴别诊断首先考虑类癌和转移性腺癌。
- Once selected, an egg donor undergoes several weeks of daily hormone injections to synchronize her menstrual cycle with the recipient's, stimulate her ovarian follicles and then ripen the eggs. 一旦被选中,卵子捐献者就要连续数周每天接受荷尔蒙注射,使自己的月经周期与接受者同步,同时刺激卵泡,使卵子成熟。
- Objective To observe the clinicopathologic manifestations and to investigate the clinicopathologic features and diagnosis of primary ovarian non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. 目的观察卵巢原发非霍奇金淋巴瘤的临床病理表现,探讨该类肿瘤的临床病理特征及病理诊断。
- Conclusion Expression of mucin MUC5AC declined is primary ovarian tumor.MUC5AC may be useful in differential diagnosis of metastatic ovarian tumor originated from gastric origin. 结论粘蛋白MUC5AC在原发性肿瘤中呈下调表达,MUC5AC对来源于胃的转移性卵巢肿瘤有鉴别意义。
- Periodically mature ovarian follicle, ovulation and luteal formation. 与卵巢内周期性卵泡成熟、排卵和黄体形成有关。
- A limited panel of Villin, CK7, and CK20 is helpful in distinguishing primary from metastatic ovarian carcinoma. And Villin is more specific than CK20 as it is lower expression in primary ovarian carcinoma. Villin、CK7和CK20的测定对鉴别原发及转移性卵巢癌有重要意义,Villin在特异性方面强于CK20。
- Objective:To provide new evidence for understanding the biological behavior of primary ovarian carcinoma,the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)and E26 transformation-specific-1(Ets-1)was detected in primary ovarian carcinoma. 目的检测碱性成纤维细胞因子(bFGF)和E26转录因子(Ets-1)在卵巢癌中的表达,为评估卵巢癌的生物学行为提供新的依据。
- "This is a very significant achievement because the early stage of the human ovarian follicle is really hard to grow in vitro. “这是一个很重要的成就,因为在初期,人类的卵泡在试管内非常难以生长。