- Are they all primary school pupils? 他们都是小学生吗?
- He is a first grade primary school pupil. 他是小学一年级学生。
- I first became a primary school pupil. 我仍记得自己刚上小学的时候。
- These are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students. 有小学生也有中学生。
- No,these are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students. 不一定,有小学生也有中学生。
- No, these are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students. 不一定,有小学生也有中学生。
- Congratulationgs to Fity.She did a good job in Guangzhou English Vocabulary Contest for Primary School Pupils. 祝贺许斐婷同学在广州市小学生词汇竞赛中荣获三等奖!
- Intelligence Contest of Earthquake Knowledge Among Primary School Pupils Held in Amoy City, Fujian Provlnce. 福建省厦门市举办小学生地震知识智力竞赛
- Ambulance staff in the Han Wang Zhen Wudu rescue survivors on the ruins of primary school pupils. 救护人员在汉旺镇武都小学废墟上抢救幸存的小学生。
- Congratulationgs to Fity.She did a good job in Guangzhou English Vocabulary Contest for Primary School Pupils . 祝贺许斐婷同学在广州市小学生词汇竞赛中荣获三等奖!
- The author of this paper finds that all the primary school pupils have the learning potentials through his observation of their English study. 本论文通过对小学生英语学习过程中的观察,从而发现每个孩子都存在着学习的潜能。
- Objective In order to provide basis for developing prevention for obese and undernourished primary school pupils and middle school students. 目的了解肥胖和营养不良中小学生饮食行为,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法随机分层整群抽样,采用自行设计的调查问卷。
- To encourage good learning and reading habits among primary school pupils,the Government is providing,besides class libraries,a central library in each primary school by phases. 为辅助小学生学习,以及鼓励他们养成良好的阅读习惯,政府除了设立课室图书馆外,还分期为每所小学设立中央图书馆。
- The true scale of drug and alcohol abuse among children has been disclosed as the first large-scale Government survey showed that thousands of primary school pupils get drunk every month. 政府第一次大规模调查显示数以千计的小学生每月都会喝醉,这揭露了儿童中滥用酒精以及毒品的真实比例。
- The seventh paper reports an entirely new sort of intelligence contest of earthquake knowledge among primary school pupils jointly organized by the Seismological Society and Earthquake Office of Amoy city, Fujian Province. 文章报道了福建省厦门市地震学会和厦门市地震办公室联合举办的一次别开生面的小学生地震知识智力竞赛。
- To encourage good learning and reading habits among primary school pupils, the Government is providing, besides class libraries, a central library in each primary school by phases. 为辅助小学生学习,以及鼓励他们养成良好的阅读习惯,政府除了设立课室图书馆外,还分期为每所小学设立中央图书馆。
- Forty years ago I was a fourth-grade primary school pupil at the Buddhist Charitable School on Xizhimennei Street. It was a very tidy two-story building with a big red brick sign indicating a charitable institutions, above the school gate. 四十年前,我是个小学四年级学生。 我们那所学校,是一个佛教会办的,叫“红卍字会小学”校舍坐落在北京西直门内大街上,两层的灰砖小楼整整齐齐,校门的上方,用红砖砌出一个很大卍字
- The St Eugene's Primary School pupil has three major championships under his belt.He amazed judges at the Jadoude en Passant competition at Oakgrove Primary School in May by not losing a single match. 一直以来,爱尔兰都是以橄榄球、足球等与身体素质有关、偏重于体力的运动而著称,却从来没有出现过一位本土的国际象棋大师。
- They worked with hundreds of primary school pupils aged four to nine at 20 carefully selected schools in Tyne and Wear,Northumberland,Lancashire,Gloucestershire and the West Midlands. 他们精心挑选了20所英国小学(分别位于泰恩·威尔、诺森伯兰、兰开夏、格罗斯特、西米德兰等地),将其中4岁至9岁的几百名小学生作为研究对象。
- On Language Accumulation of Primary School Pupils 谈小学生的语言积累