- In managed code, you look for the Bounds property of the Primary Screen member of the Screen object, which returns a type Rectangle. 在托管代码中,查找Screen对象的主要屏幕成员的Bounds属性,它将返回一个类型Rectangle。
- Typically, many potential compounds are screened (the “primary” screen) and numerous tight-binders (“hits”) are identified. 一般的,很多潜在化合物被筛选,大量紧密结合物被识别。
- In vitro embryotoxicity screening test and male reproductive toxicology are primary screening tests.In this paper their application are discussed. 本文主要介绍了这两种方法在评价化学物质危害性方面近几年国内外的研究应用及其利弊。
- Consider which primary screens or states (which we’ll call views) the product requires. Initial context scenarios give you a feel for what these might be. 在考虑产品所需的主要屏幕或者状态(以后我们称之为“视图”)时,对于它们的样子,初始的情境场景剧本会给你一个大概的感觉。
- The employment of cyclin E and Ki67 in combination for the primary screening of cervical cytology could not only reduce both the higher false-positive and false-negative rate of conventional Pap test, but increase its specificy and sensitivity. 采用宫颈脱落细胞检测cyclin E、Ki67作为辅助诊断指标应用于宫颈癌高危人群筛查,具有重要意义。
- OC and flexible sigmoidscopy, which hae been the primary screening tools for the past few decades, can gie rise to complications ranging from abdominal pain to bowel perforation and bleeding. 过去几十年间一直作为主要检查工具的光学纤维结肠镜(OC)和乙状结肠镜会导致各种并发症:如腹痛,肠穿孔和出血。
- Twenty-five strains of B16 cells were selected for primary screening experiments.The results showed that the physiological characteristics of space mutagenized B16 cells changed distinctly. 在对其中25株太空诱变B16细胞进行的初步筛选实验中发现,与对照组相比,太空诱变B16细胞生长特性发生较大变异,细胞增殖速度呈多向性改变;
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。
- Sure. We are friends since primary school. 当然,我们从小学就是朋友了。
- I started primary school when I was 5 years old. 我五岁时开始读小学。
- A primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness. 懒惰是汤姆失败的主要原因之一。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。
- Love and hatred are primary emotions. 爱和恨是基本的情感。
- Primary screening test of HIV antibody 筛查实验
- The Democratic primary was held this month. 民主党候选人初选於本月举行。
- multidimensional primary screening 多维初(步)筛(选)
- Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government. 小学教育受地方政府的保护。
- He only accepted the primary education off and on in his childhood. 他小时候只断断续续地接受过初等教育。
- The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods. 做广告的根本目的是要多出售货物。