- primary source text 主源程序正文
- The historian search for primary source of information about the past. 历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源。
- Returns the source text of the code item. 返回代码项的源文本。
- This is the primary source from which human knowledge develops. 这是人类认识发展的根源。
- The fishing industry was a primary source of colonists' wealth. 捕鱼业是殖民者财富的主要来源。
- By 2002, the Net will eclipse newspapers as primary source of news. 到2002年网络将作为新闻的主要来源而击败报纸。
- The institution itself is the primary source of this information. 该机构本身的主要来源,这方面的资料。
- This is a primary source of instability in software development. 在软件开发中这是不稳定性的主要源头。
- The historian searched for primary sources of information about the past. 历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源。
- Translating is translating the meaning of the source text( ST) into the target text( TT). 翻译就是在目标语文本中再现源语文本的意义。
- The common people,considered as the primary source of political power. 民众被视为政治力量的主要源泉的人民大众。
- Unformatted source text is stored in the same system tables, in the columns proc_defn, trigger_defn, and view_defn. 未格式化的源文本存储在相同系统表中的proc_defn、trigger_defn和view_defn列内。
- Primary source of social harm results from a breach of confidentiality. 社会伤害的主要根源是保密性的违背。
- Haw to deal with the untranslatability and maintian the cultural information of source text as much as possible is a question that every translator tries to find answer to. 如何突破这种不可译性,并使文化信息在翻译中的走失量减少到最小,是所有翻译工作者都在努力探索的问题。
- Many of the villagers rely on fishing as their primary source of income. 这里多数村民依赖捕鱼作为他们主要的收入来源。
- Use the Hyperlinks palette to associate each destination with source text or graphics. 使用超级链接板块来把每个链接点连接到源文档或者图表。
- Writing links the needs of the source text and content at the page for visitors concisely and引见pointing page. 链接源头文字的写作需要和指向页的内容相关,为访问者言简意赅地引见指向页。
- Carbon dioxide emissions are the primary source of greenhouse gases. 二氧化碳的释放是温室效应气体的主要来源。
- The common people, considered as the primary source of political power. 普通人,被认为是政治力的主要。
- Translating takes the source text as its starting point and the target text as its destination. 进而通过举例分析、比较原文文本和目标文本的前文本、元文本的不同,提出目标文本只不过是原文文本的一种特殊互文本。