- Evolutional study on the root primary structure of Glycine L. 大豆属植物根的初生结构及系统演化。
- The primary structure of globin moiety is determined by the plant genome. 球蛋白一半的最初构造决定于植物的染色体组。
- Except for differences in primary structure, these molecules are similar in all species. 这些分子中除了初级结构不同之外,在任何物种中别无二致。
- However,the primary structures will become too bulky and complex due to the additional sensors and actuators. 但在原结构上附加的传感器和作动器 ,使得结构过于庞大和复杂 ;
- From this paper, it can be seen that the primary structure of the rRNA genes was applied. 从中可以看出,核糖体RNA基因已经广泛应用于海洋动物的分子系统学研究中,但主要利用的是核糖体RNA基因的一级结构。
- Analysis of the Primary Structure of Vitellogenins in Eri-silkworm (PhilosamiaCynthia Ricini)[J]. 引用该论文 刘朝良;梶浦善太;中垣雅雄.
- The primary structure is concerned with the number and type of amino acids present and their sequence in the polypeptide chain. 初级结构与氨基酸数量和类型,以及它们在多肽链上的排列次序有关。
- It shows that acidic volcanic lava has a specific characteristic of the primary structure in the specific paleogeographic environment. 它标志着酸性火山熔岩在特定的古地理环境下所形成的原生构造的特殊性。
- The design of broadband and wide angle Polarizing Beam Splitter (PBS) is optimized with the primary structure of several film stacks. 分析了液晶投影显示技术中的宽波段宽角度偏振分光器件,利用多个介质膜堆的叠加得到初始结构,再经优化得到最终设计;
- Whether or not the fungal lipases are glycoproteins depends on the glycosylation sites in the fungal lipase primary structures. 大多数真菌脂肪酶是糖蛋白,但也有一些不含糖基的脂肪酶,主要取决于脂肪酶一级结构中是否存在糖基化识别序列。
- Insect AFPs are often characterized by regular primary structure and binding to the ice crystal with their TXT motif structure. 昆虫抗冻蛋白具有高活性,规则的一级结构及类似的冰晶结合表面等特性。
- Bases and towns( within~100 m of town flags and primary structures) will be cleaned up automatically( ammo, weapons, corpses and destroyed vehicles) every10 th minute. 每十分钟自动清理旗子和基地建筑100米范围内的弹药、器、体、辆残骸。
- The arrowhead proteinase inhibitor A and B (APIA and APIB) are double headed and multifunctional. Both their primary structure and cDNA sequence have been elucidated. 慈菇蛋白酶抑制剂A和B(APIA和APIB)是一种双头多功能抑制剂 ,它们的一级结构和cDNA序列已经被阐明。
- In this paper, we summarized the processes of isolation, character, primary structure and the mutil-function of BWPI.In the end, the development of BWPI is also put forward. 该文对已有研究成果进行总结,并从BWPI提取方法、理化性质、初级结构、生理功能及研究存在问题等方面进行介绍,以供相关研究人员参考。
- The possibility of producing ZA12 alloy with globular primary structure has been studied using isothermally treating the conventional cast ingots at semi-solid conditions. 探讨了用半固态等温处理法使铸态ZA12合金初生相粒化的可行性。
- Partial structure of wheat PGIP was studied in four aspect: deglycosylation, analysis of partial primary structure, secondary structure and disulfide bond. 本文从去糖基化、部分一级结构分析、二级结构和二硫键分析四个方面对小麦PGIP进行了部分结构的研究,并与双子叶植物PGIP作了比较。
- On the basis of the properties,textures and primary structure of deposits,21 sedimentary microfacies types are distinguished in the alluvial fan of the Sandu red basin. 根据沉积物的性质、结构及原生沉积构造,将三都红盆冲积扇体划分为21种沉积微相类型。
- Recently, it has been proved that an mRNA molecule instructs the corresponding protein synthesizing not only in the primary structure but also in the conformation. 最近研究表明,信使RNA在蛋白质合成中,不但表现出一维序列上的对应,且在两者的空间构象上也表现出某些对应关系。
- Three-dimensional braid structural composites represent a class of advanced materials which are reinforced by fiber braid preforms for primary structural applications. 三维编织结构复合材料是一种采用纤维立体编织预成型品增强的高级复合材料。
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。