- How would you like your prime rib? 你的牛排要几分熟?
- A: How would you like your prime rib? 你的牛排要几分熟?
- I would like prime rib. 我要烧烤牛排。
- The White House committee greeted the prime rib roast minister, and I do the cha-cha like a sissy girl. 白宫发言人声称对此猪头总理不满 我想只性感小野猫一样在跳恰恰舞
- Because it was so late, the prime rib was overdone, and the selection of regular 42)desserts was 43)meager. 因为上菜很慢、肋眼牛排煮得太老,而且可供选择的餐后甜点种类匮乏。
- Then a gleaming stainless steel cart appears at my table and the chef-carver rolls back the lid to display three beautiful sevenbone prime ribs. 这时候把擦亮发光的不锈钢推车推到我的餐桌近处,大师傅把餐车的盖子转动打开,给客人看到三块肉,
- Waiter: Most people like the filet mignon, but if you`re really hungry, I would go for the 5)prime rib. 服务生:很多人爱菲力牛排,但如果你真的很饿,要是我就会点顶级肋眼牛排。
- Join us for a 4-course Set Dinner at Lawry's the Prime Rib with Green Point from Yarra Valley, Australia.Special Offer RMB450 per person OR RMB575 per person with wines. 一同来享受由澳洲碧汇葡萄酒和Lawry's The Prime Rib为您呈现的精美晚宴套餐; 每位只需450元或575元包括葡萄酒.
- Come and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festical with the special 4-course set menu, which includes our famous roasted prime rib and the renowned Hong Kong Mei-xin Snowy Mooncake. 特地为您准备了中秋四道菜套餐,让你品尝驰名特级烧牛肋排外,更可专享国内外闻名的香港美心冰皮,共庆人月两团圆。
- Outback offers generous portions of American Angus Steaks& prime ribs imported from Australia, Australia baby back ribs, New Zealand rack lamb, Norwegian fresh catch fish, No Rules Cut Lunches, Aussie Tizer and yummy desserts. 除了正宗的美国牛排,你还可以享受到澳拜客的招牌菜炸洋葱花球、洲乳猪肋排、西兰羊排、威三文鱼、式自选配料的美味汉堡及香甜可口的冰淇淋、后甜点等。
- Outback offers generous portions of American Angus Steaks & prime ribs imported from Australia, Australia baby back ribs, New Zealand rack lamb, Norwegian fresh catch fish, No Rules Cut Lunches, Aussie Tizer and yummy desserts. 除了正宗的美国牛排,你还可以享受到澳拜客的招牌菜炸洋葱花球、澳洲乳猪肋排、新西兰羊排、挪威三文鱼、各式自选配料的美味汉堡及香甜可口的冰淇淋、餐后甜点等。
- It doesn't matter if they flock here to eat mee goreng, chicken rice, a US prime rib or some intriguing East-meets-West fusion dish. After all, we are moving closer to being a global city with a hodge-podge of influences. 无论是马来炒面、海南鸡饭、美国烤排骨或者是新鲜有趣、东西方合并的融合菜肴,他们在这里要品尝什么食物都无所谓,毕竟我们正逐渐成为一个受四方八面影响的大都会。
- It doesn't matter if they flock here to eat mee goreng,chicken rice,a US prime rib or some intriguing East-meets-West fusion dish. After all,we are moving closer to being a global city with a hodge-podge of influences. 无论是马来炒面、海南鸡饭、美国烤排骨或者是新鲜有趣、东西方合并的融合菜肴,他们在这里要品尝什么食物都无所谓,毕竟我们正逐渐成为一个受四方八面影响的大都会。
- We also have prime rib for only $8. 00 a person 我们还有上好的排骨,一份是八美元,
- Roasted Prime Rib Steak and Thyme Potato 香烧美国肋眼皇配百里香马铃薯
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整个事件的发起者。
- The butcher chopped off a rib of frozen pork. 屠夫砍下一块冻肉的肋条。
- Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain. 希思先生是英国前任首相。
- She gave me a nudge in the ribs. 她以肘轻触我肋部一下。
- She takes off the Prime Minister to perfection. 她模仿首相的样子维妙维肖。